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Ray's POV

I woke up my tummy was hurting and same thing with my head. "Oof, what happened" I said

"Look whose up" Jake said

"I have a headache and my tummy hurts" I said

"Take this pills you will be fine" Jack said

"What happened"

"Don't worry, you find out everything later" Jake said laughing. I took a shower and went downstairs to meet everybody.

"Good morning everyone" I said

"The lioness herself is up, Good morning" Blake teased, I looked around to see a badly beat up Olivia

"Olivia, gosh what happened to you, who did you piss of" I said while looking at Jack

He raised his hands up in defence " I didn't do anything" he said

"Then who did?" I asked

"Ummm...you" Blake said

"I could not have done this, I would never"

"You didn't do it Ray intentionally but the effect of the Chocolate made you do it" Steph said

"But that's not true, when I took ice-cream I didn't have anything like that"

"That's because the ice-cream has low sugar compared to the one in the chocolate" Jake said

"But if you don't still believe we have the video" Michael said

"Show me"

He went to the CCTV camera at the roof top and replay everything that happened the horrible things I said to her, how I knocked her out and publicly accepting the boys are mine and also the glaring part, if only I didn't eat that much chocolate

I looked at Olivia who was bowing her head in shame "am sorry, I didn't mean all those stuff I said"

"Umm, yes you did" Andre said, I sighed after countless apologies I gave to her but she still didn't budge

"Stop apologising Ray, it's not like she didn't deserve it" Steph said, as Chase glared at her, Chase doesn't really talk much that I have noticed

"Here we go again" Michael said

"I know right, incident of yesterday events replays, Steph says her mind, Olivia disses Chase, Chase slaps Steph, and the tigress attacks" Blake said

"What! I don't hit her for no reason" Chase said

"Yes you do" I said

"Steph do I hit you for no reason?" he asked

"No" she said looking everywhere except at him


"Stop yelling at her, and beside you know she cant do that because it's true" I stated

"Jack put your girl in order before I do" Chase said

"Okay, that's enough" Jack said walking towards me, as I moved away toward Jake hiding behind him

"Looks like the only person that can put her to order is Jack, if only we could say the same thing for Jake he is such a soft boy no wonder he can't be a leader of a gang" Olivia said, even in her ratchet condition she still has guts

"Now I actual don't regret what I did to you yesterday" I said

"Enough!" Jake said with his hand up like he was about to strike me but gently placed it back down as he saw the fear in my eyes and the tears about to stream down "am sorry" he said

I ran back upstairs crying my eyes out.

Jake's POV

Seeing her run back upstairs crying filled me with guilt and regret, I was about to hit her

"Wow, we haven't even had breakfast yet and so much drama, this reminds me of 'everybody hates Chris' but this time is everybody hates Olivia" Blake just had to say

"Blake how do you feel when you just say complete Bullshit from your mouth" Olivia said

"To be honest it feels kind of great" he said smiling at the air like he is in his very own fantasy where he plays a hero

Am not in the mood to watch another round of drama so I brushed my hand through my hair gently pulling it as I walked over to the kitchen to whip up some pancake for the gang and take some up for Ray

I was flipping the last pancake when I heard one of the guards bust in "She's gone" he said

"Whose gone" Jack and I asked worried

"Ray" he said

"Why!!, Why couldn't it be Olivia" Blake said fake crying as Rose smacks him over the shoulder

I would have loved to laugh but this is serious, "How, can she be gone?" I asked

"Sir, I think she escaped through the bathroom window and before we could notice she had already gone far, but some of the men are chasing after her"

"Why would she do that" Jack asked

"Because the one person she thought would never hurt her almost did" Andre said

"Man, I messed up" I said

"Big time" Andre said

I ran out of the house, followed by Jack and hopped into my SUV and drove off in search of her, we have been search for hours and haven't found her until we got a message from our boys

"Come over to 15, sesame street, I think we found her" Andre said

I drove there quickly, seeing her sitting on a hill beside her house, I ran up to her, Jack following

"Am sorry, I really am" I said

"You were about to hit me, the one person I trusted was about to hurt me" she said, with her eyes all puffy

"Am sorry, I wasn't thinking straight at the moment" I said trying to touch her but she moved away, it was killing me inside

"Come on Ray lets go you got us worried we have been looking for you all day" Jack said, as she stood up

"RAY!" an unfamiliar voice said

She turned around and was in shock at the person who called out for her, I looked over to see Jack and everyone else guns up, I was so confused, I pulled Ray closer to me to avoid her getting hurt from this

"Who is he?" I asked

"J-julius" she said

She only shuttered when she he scared of the person and she only does that when she says Jack's name and starting to think this is her brother

"Calm down big guy put your guns down, just want to talk to my sister" he said, overly emphasising on the sister part

"Why?" Jack asked

"You can be here will I tell her I doesn't matter to me as far as she knows and she is prepared" he said grinning

"Hello sister" he said "you shouldn't be scared we are related and beside am only older then you will 2 minutes" he said 

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