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Ray's POV

Two weeks had passed already and am feeling a lot better now, since I am not able to defend myself Jake and Jack decide to get four body guard to stay around me when they are not around, and they have instructed them not allow me get out of bed for irrelevant reason 

right now they aren't home so I was really bored, so I said I wanted to use the bathroom and lied the one in my room was spoilt, and I thought it would work but they followed me to the one at the hallway, then I had an idea and decided to run, and I must admit this is the most fun thing I have ever done in two week

, they were catching up to me, becoming more than before they were now over 20 everywhere looking for me I entered place my small body could and their couldn't 

It was fun, until I was running while looking over my shoulder and bumped into something or someone knocking me to the ground, I looked up to see Jack and Jake glaring at me and I just gave them a nervous smile, they pulled up to my feet and I knew what was coming next, the scolding

Aren't you supposed to be in bed, Why were you running, Where are your bodyguard, Why are you stressing yourself? They kept asking I didn't really know what to say at the moment but I knew I was hungry, they they looked to the guards

"Aren't you supposed to be watching her!" they yelled

"Guys" I said in a soft voice

"Yes" they said in sync

"Stop yelling at them it's not their fault I have been in bed for weeks missing school and I was bored just wanted to have a little fun and anyways, am hungry"

"Why don't we have a cook?" I asked cause most gangs I have heard about have cooks"

"We don't have one to avoid getting poisoned, by an enemy under the pretence of a cook" Jack said and I nodded

"Well if you're willing to wait for some hours for us to make some food for you or you can have the chocolate bars we got on our way back" Jake said, I nodded and collect the bags of chocolate from him and ran upstairs

"Stop Running" Jack yelled behind me

I went to my room and started eating the chocolate, stuffing everything in my mouth once I was full I kept the last piece under my pillow and then I felt the adrenaline kick in and started running everywhere giggling and laughing everywhere, Steph saw me and started running down the stairs

Jack's POV

Jake and I were considering what to cook for Ray, until Steph came running down the stairs panting

"What's happening, why are you breathe heavily?" I ask her as she still tries to catch her breath as Jake walked over and gave her a glass of water.

"What did you guys give to ray?" she managed to say

"Chocolate, why do you ask?" Jake said, her eyes widening shock

"Why did you do that?"

"Cause she was hungry" I said

"Well, I don't think you know this but Ray has a sugar rush at the moment, she is jumping around running and giggling everywhere, right now I don't even know her exact location she could be anywhere"

Jake and I eyes widened in shock

"Get the gang to search for her around" she nodded and ran back up

Then we left to search for places where she might be at but still we couldn't find her, after a while we gathered at the kitchen with no hope left

"Do you think she left house?" Olivia said, here she goes again with her negativity

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