𝟏 𝟏  Destiny

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Big bets

That's all I'm gonna say.

I was walking the streets after my interview. It was pretty late and I now am starting to regret not driving.

But after being stopped once, I'm not gonna take that chance.

I was walking, not really paying attention, when I ran into someone.

It was Peter.

"Shit, I'm sorry."
He stated to lightly laugh then suddenly stopped. I went to say something when wrapped his arms around my shoulders and threw us on the ground.

A gun shot was heard. I immediately got up and helped Peter up. I grabbed his arm and ran into the alley.

Another shot.

This time, in the shoulder. We turned and hid behind dumpsters.
         "You need to leave."

        "Ok, let's go."

        "No. YOU need to get out of here and leave, now."

       "I'm not gonna leave you-"

       "Peter, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

       "Y/n, I'm not gonna leave my friend here for her to get killed."
Before I could say anything, another shot. I glared at Peter and booked it.

We turned more corners till we found A ladder and climbed it. I held my shoulder after since it hurt like hell.
"Y/n, we need to get you to a hospital."

"No, they're still after us and we could get people killed."

"Y/n, who is that."
Before I could come up with some lie, another shot was heard. I grabbed Peter and ran.

We got to the ledge of the building, but had to jump to the other one. Peter jumped and landed effortlessly. I ran and when I went to grab the ledge, I stretched out my shoulder and almost missed the ledge.

Peter ran up and pulled me up. We started to run when Peter pulled me closer and pulled me out of the way of a bullet that flew by. I saw a dumpster open and without thinking, I wrapped myself around Peter and threw us down into the dumpster.

We sat up and jumped out. I saw a street sign.

Bleacker Street!

I grabbed Peter and ran until I saw the building I was looking for, the sanctum. I opened the door and pushed Peter inside.
"Ok, I think we're safe in here."

"Y/n, what is going—Ahh!"
Before Peter could even finish his sentence, a portal formed underneath him and he fell through. Immediately the portal closed as I tried to grab his hand. It just caused me to fall to the ground.

"Holy shit!"

"Why are you bringing people here without permission- oh god, Y/n you're bleeding."
I felt my dad put his hands on my shoulder. He helped me up, but an explosion went off.

I created a shield and through the smoke, a woman ran at me. I made a sling whip and blocked her attacks and wrapped it around her leg, causing her to fall. Suddenly Cloakie appeared and threw my katanas at me. I quickly stepped on the women's wrist and pointed the blade at her neck.
"I thought this was over."

"It's never gonna end, not unless you die."

"Why target after my friend. It's me you're after."

"You would do anything to protect them. And we'll do anything to get to you, even if it means taking a few lives in the process."

            "You'll go after my friends...what if they don't mean anything to me...you'll only go after them if I care about them?"

"You can try, but it'll never work. We will get to you eventually. And your friends will die."

"But if I die, they won't."

"But you're too stubborn to die, so you leave us one option...but that's if you don't die. But I'm here to stop that."
She suddenly kicked me and I went flying back.

I got up and as I stood up, she punched me in the face. I kicked her and as we continued 1v1 she put her hands on my head, and I blacked out.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a open rock area. It was super dark and looked like I was in space. I was staring to have a panic attack, but the dead bodies lying on the ground didn't help.

I was shaking and people were dying and bleeding out, or straight up dead, and I couldn't help them.

I looked over and saw someone barely breathing. I looked closer and saw Peter? I ran over to him and crouched down. My hands shook as I went to go check on his neck for a pulse.

I jumped as Peter suddenly grabbed my wrist. He gripped my wrist tightly and barely could whisper to me,
          "You...could have......saved....us."

Peter then let my hand go, and passed away. I couldn't look away, and kept looking at my friend who just died right in front of my eyes.

       Why...couldn't you.....do more.....

As I kept looking at Peter, something suddenly flew above me. I looked up and saw the world on fire through a wormhole.....

       Destiny arrives all the same......And now it's here.......Or should I say, I am......

I opened my eyes and saw I was in the sanctum. The same woman was looking at me, with a shocked expression.

Without thinking, I quickly stabbed her with the katana in my hand, and pulled it right back out.

She collapsed to the floor and I'm positive she bleed out. I dropped the katana and walked out the sanctum.

I was covered in my own blood and I walked away...to the apartment....I have to disappear......

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