The power break

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As you slam the door behind you you see Goshiki walking down the hall towards your direction. You rush behind a corner to hide. As his footsteps become quieter and quieter you slowly start chewing on your food. Goshiki's footsteps have stopped, and you take for granted that he went into a dorm. A laugh almost escapes your breath.

"Why are you sitting here smiling?"

You jump in shock as Goshiki sits down in front of you, resting his back and head against the wall on his side.

"Goshiki-san! Uhm.. my roommate had a.. uhh.. I can't be in my dorm at the moment."

"Oh. What dorm do you have?"

"514, it's right over there."

You point towards a door just 3 meters away behind the corner. A lamp flickers and suddenly turns off. Like a wave, the following lamps in the hall goes out.

"Shit, did the electricity go off?"

"Yeah, seems like it" You answer. It rests an akward silence between you two as neither says anything further.

"Why can't you be in your dorm?"

"Welp, he had a girl over and I walked in on them uhh doing stuff"


He laughs violently and you see the shape of his body crumbling on the floor.

"I did not think Shirabu would do that... bhshsfs" He lets out several demonic noises.

"Shhh you'll make them know we're here!"

"Oh shit.." He quickly falls silent, though his surpressed laughs still makes him sound demonic.

"Wait, how did you know that it was Shirabu in there? Do you two know eachother?"

"Yep, we're on the same team. I play volleyball!"

"Oh ok."

You do not know how you feel about sitting here with him, in the darkness in the middle of the night. He seems nice, but a little bit too forward.

"Well, we can't really sit here the rest of the night, right?"

You nod in response, not knowing what he might think of further.

"We can go downstairs to the lounge?"

"I'm good, I want to eat my food."

"Oh, uhh okay.."

Your eyes have gotten used to the darkness and you see how he looks away, down the path, hiding almost a sad face. He is disappointed to say at least.

"Do you want some?"

You give him the other box with food.


"I meant to give it to Shirabu but I won't go in there again. You can have it."

"Ohh thank you!!!! I'll pay you back somehow, someday!"

"Don't think of it as something like that, it's just so that I didn't pay for food just to throw it away."

"I still appreciate it!"

His smile shines as the moon lights up the corridors through the small windows.

He starts chewing on his food and you watch him closely.

He looks short and small.. But he was taller than me... But that fricken hairstyle what the heck is that he looks like he's wearing a helmet?!

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