Room 514

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[Explanation! You are a second year, and in this story Goshiki is also second year as Shirabu. This is important to remember for further chapters! The third years are still third years. Basically the first years aren't mentioned that much!]

Your parents hug you tightly and you can hear how your mum not-so-discreetly sobs on your shoulder. They say goodbye before thanking the man moving the boxes. You wift your hand as goodbye, seeing how their car slowly drives away. A little tear leaves your eye but you quickly wipe it away. Now is not the time to be sad.

"Hey, need help with that?"

You turn around to see a boy with black hair and bowl-cut smiling at you. He stands idiotically confident, as if he was your savior, his hands resting on his hips. His eyes wander over the boxes on the ground.

"Oh, hehe no I'm okay I've gotten a trollie to move the boxes with, but thanks anyways."

You load the trollie with the boxes thinking that he'll leave you.

What the heck is up with this guy?...

"Are you new?" He asks suddenly.


You pant slightly from lifting up the boxes to the trollie.

"I can help you unpack!"

He almost jumps besides you as you roll the cart through campus.

"No need."

"Well, I can give you a tour around?"

"I've already gotten one from some councelor."

You look straight forward, avoiding his gaze as much as possible.

"Hmm.. okay! Okay, but anyways, I'm Tsutomu Goshiki."


You quicken your pace, trying to shake him off.

What the heck does he want?

Although you're near jogging from him, he quickly runs up to your side.

"Are you a first year? A second year?"

His eyes widen as he observes your face. You stop for a second and look back at him. He straightens his back and you see how he tries to seem bigger and more muscular than he is.


"Huh? Which one of them?"

"Won't you see that soon? If you are a 1st year, you will see me in the corridors in your buildings. If I'm a 2nd year you will see me in some halls that our years use together. And if I'm a third year, that you didn't even include, you will only see me during lunch or breaks. You'll come to the conclusion soon."

"Wh-what, well.. uhm.. yes I guess..?"

His body tenses up, not knowing how to break your wall. You continue walking while getting irritated.

"Uhh so what class are you in?

"I'm in 4." That is at least something forward...

"Okay, so-"

He gets cut off by you standing in front of your block, clearly waiting for him to stop talking.


"G-goodbye!" He says, watching you slide open the door.

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