"I'll catch up with you later." His hand kept twitching. I figured he might need a smoke.

Navigating through the crowd, I caught up with Cherry midway through the pep rally, usually held in the gymnasium. The gymnasium reverberated with loud techno music as we joined the mass of students gathered around the entryway.

I trailed behind the crowd and caught up with Cherry midway through the pep rally, which was usually held in the gymnasium. When she noticed me, she put down her phone and walked over to me. The gymnasium was filled with students who were listening to loud techno music. Cherry and I followed the throng of students who had gathered around the entryway.

"We're gonna kick their ass!"

Because our school lacked cheerleaders, the sophomore girls took it upon themselves to loudly shout and yell support for the football team. I should've just left with Holly Dae because this was a terrible waste of time.

"Where's that cutie that's always following you around?" Though she was sitting right next to me, I could barely hear her.

"Carson?" I yelled back.

"That's the one!"

"I don't know. Hey, listen, I'll be back, okay? I need to pee."

Cherry mumbled something back, too engrossed in her phone to care. I left the bleachers, elbowing my way through the crowd. As I strolled along the empty corridor toward the restroom, the sounds of retching and gagging came from the boys' bathroom. 

Probably someone doing drugs.

Then Carson stumbled out, reeking of cigarettes and vomit. "You good?" he said, his voice gruff, like it took too much effort to speak.

I nodded and tried to pass by him, but he caught my wrist and pulled me to him. His hold on me was warm and gentle, and yet somehow firm. I looked up at him, feeling a bit lightheaded. "What?" My words came out breathy and slightly dizzy.

Carson released my wrist and backed away. "There's something you should know."

"What is it?"

"Your pants." He pointed to the white jeans I wore on that day, which I had no choice but to wear because Dad had forgotten to do the laundry.

"I'm not following."

"You're leaking blood through them," he said casually, as if we were talking about the weather. I was horrified.

Horror struck me. "Oh my, thanks for telling me."

He said something else, but I bolted into the bathroom before I caught it. 

And no one had thought to tell me! Some friends I had. No wonder Bones and Harry were laughing at me earlier. I thought it had something to do with the breakup. The longer I stood in the stall, the worse I felt.

I did my best to clean myself and then checked in the mirror. On the back of my pants was a large, bright red stain. As the bell rang, I figured I'd have to brave the halls with everyone staring. I needed to find my brother and beg for a jacket to tie around my waist.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, Carson pushed off the wall and approached me. He'd been waiting. "Everything okay?

"Yeah, I just, um... need a piece of clothing to cover it up."

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