The Discovery

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 Sundrop walked down the ornate halls, on them hanging priceless pieces of art and handmade decorations, but Sundrop paid no attention to them. This was her everyday, each piece up on the wall she put there with the help of her husband, she was no tourist. This castle was her home, and one of the places where she worked. She raised her children here and buried them in the back. Now she was just doing her job.

With a good pace she made her way down the stairs to the loading dock where her carriage sat. As she walked she passed guards who saluted her and staff who bowed, she smiled and nodded to them and quietly she climbed into the carriage all ready to go. The door closes and she is left in silence waiting for her husband to join her, the few seconds of calm in her day.

She leaned back with a sigh, she felt her body begin to relax, but something was wrong. Sundrop felt in her stomach something stirring around, she pinned her ears and scrunched her nose trying to keep the pain at bay. In a panic She tries to remember when the last time she threw up. More than a year ago, at that Christmas party when Flame's sister gave the family bad potato salad. She gritted her teeth and tried to replay dinner in her head, Champaign a salad for dinner, was it washed fully?

Of course it would be! She has the best chefs on the job, why would they forget something that simple? Sundrop's mental arguing came to a sudden halt when the pain shifted when she felt her stomach churn and a creeping feeling crawled up her throat. Looking around, Sundrop realized there's nothing in the carriage to hold such a sensitive issue, so when her stomach demanded an exit she threw open the side door away from everyone's sight and as discreetly as she could, threw up.

Sundrop cleaned up her face with her wing and shut the door silently, and laid back on the length of the seat letting her head throb. She felt embarrassed that she just threw up and she knew she out of all people couldn't take the day off. The door opened and a rush of humid air flew in the cabin, her husband just lifted up her head and slid under her, laying her head in his lap. "Tried?" Flame asked, rubbing her head and giving the wave to go on their way. "Exhausted, I still haven't gotten over that train trip." Sundrop muttered sitting up and rubbing her eyes, Flame just sighed and looked out the window.

"That was a rough trip." Flame grumbled fixing his gaze out the window, Sundrop started to look out the window but her stomach rumbled a little and the blur of people outside made her headache begin to pound, she felt like she was spinning and then her gut began to lurch. "Do you have a bag?" Sundrop quickly asked, trying to get her bearings. "No why would I have a bag?" Flame questioned, his tome starting to fill with panic and confusion. "I'm gonna throw up!"

Sundrop panicked looking around, until she just threw up on the floor and Flame recoiled in disgust. "This carriage is over a hundred years old and you just vomited in it!" Flame gagged covering his nose. "I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in!" Sundrop felt tears welling in the corners of her eyes, she felt a burn in her throat and her nose stung. "Maybe you should have stayed home, why didn't you tell me you felt sick?" Flame asked looking up at her and trying not to look at the floor, Sundrop rubbed her eyes and her nose and sighed. "I just got sick, I don't know why."

Sundrop explained looking away from him to hide her embarrassment, she felt him rub her shoulder and she looked back and gave him a smile. "I'll get Remedy to look at you." Flame sighed, Sundrop looked out the window and watched as the carriage came to a stop. Someone came over and opened Sundrops door and she and Flame climbed out, there were people being kept back from the path, the two of them acknowledged the crowd and normally they would talk and say hello but Sundrop felt something stir in her gut.

She didn't want to take chances so she walked into the building without saying much to anyone, Flame followed in by her side looking at her with a worried look. "I'm going to my office, send Comet over when he's ready." Sundrop mumbled to Flame and with a nod she quickly left and went to her office, with a shut of her door she shuffled over to her desk and sat down. She felt like she was going to throw up at any time, trying to get her mind off things she began to do her work like normal.

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