Chapter fourteen

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The battle starts in no man's land and we have to fight our way through demons to get to the portal, everyone's making paths for the high lords but the Brummer is making a path for me.

I don't see the leader yet but the Brummer said he would appear when he felt me near. He also said that I didn't have to do this and could let the high lords close the portal like they did last time and let my great grandchildren do this instead but with one look he knew that it wasn't an option.

I lost track of Aeron, Asher and Noah as soon as we got onto the battlefield. When I get to the centre there's a flash and everyone freezes.

There's a man stood in the middle, I'm guessing he's our guy, Brummer looks to me and nods. "where is he?" all the high lord's step forward but an invisible barrier stops them, the demons retreat back into whatever hell dimension they came from. "where is he?" the man asks again and I hear Evander ask, "who?" they are all still trying to get through the barrier whilst everyone else is watching on in confusion, "there's a man here who has something I want"

I look to Makil and he makes eye contact with me and smiles sadly, its time. I take a breath and step through the barrier; I can feel everyone's eyes on me.

"it's not a him your looking for its me" the guy smirks and chuckles, "asta what are you doing?"

I hear Asher shout in panic but I can't pull myself to look at him. "hello Mino" he seems amused by this.

"did your farther tell you my name" I shook my head, "I wasn't raised with a farther but I know his story" Mino chuckles, "then tell me it."

I stand in front of him a bit away and bring out the dagger, "my mother gave my aunt this dagger before she died and told her it was from my father, there's an inscription on it and it told me the real story of the moon. There once was a great hunter who one day left his wife and son to go hunting, a storyteller came upon the wife and child near a river and started sharing his stories, except the storyteller wasn't what he said to be, he was a demon on the hunt for something that fell out of the sky a few months before, it was a star, if he could retrieve this star he could rule the world. The storyteller believed that this beautiful woman in front of him was his star so when she was most vulnerable, he cut out her heart, the son who was supposed to be down by the river saw everything, so he jumped in and pretended to drown to save himself. When the hunter came back and saw that his wife was dead and the son was gone, he went into a rage and killed every living thing in sight so when his tribe saw the blood and the dead wife, they assumed the worse and banished him. He was dying and alone and knew that the person who killed his family was hunting for him too, so he plead with the spirits to help him find his son and help him, but before they could help the storyteller found him and killed him. Neither the hunter or the wife were the star meaning that the son had to be, but the spirits granted the hunters wish and made him into the moon and where he found his son in hiding, so him and his wife who was the star next to him guided their son through life where he eventually mated with a female fae and became one himself. The storyteller hunted for the son a few years later knowing that he would come out of hiding if he thought he was safe, he had been told by demonic powers that the star he was looking for had become fae, so he travelled through all the kingdoms and hunted fae males in their early twenties, then the war happened and the storyteller knew he had been defeated"

I finish and Mino chuckles, "yes well done human girl you figured out the true story, but what have you got to do with any of this?" it's my turn to chuckle, "when the son never showed up to the battle you thought you'd give it a few more hundred years until you tried again, except during that time the son had a child and the star in his heart wasn't his anymore, they knew the only way to protect the child was to give them to a human family and for them to never know what they truly were, the only thing left for them from their parents was a dagger with a story on and a true name"

Mino seems enraged by this revelation. I start to walk closer, "the thing is, the star could give you the world, but it can also be the end of you" Mino looks around panicked. "you have a life here girl is you really willing to give it up?"

I look around and see Asher and Noah and think how easily it could have been them to be killed.

I look to Aeron and Evander who seem ins hock, I look to Brummer and Mikal and think how glad I am to have met them.

"for me to die today and them to live forever id give it all up" I say and now I'm directly in front of him, "burn in hell" I whisper and shove my heart into his chest.

He screams in agony whilst every inch of his body shines a bright light and eventually, he burns into ash.

I look to the ash, to my heart.

Me and Makil cut it out when we went to the 'toilet'. "asta what the hell just happened?" Aeron and all the high lords come and gather around, "I saved all your asses that's what" I state and he glares at me. "what did you put in his chest asta?" I look away and to see Asher, Noah and Evander's group have joined. I don't see Brummer anywhere, he said he wasn't good at goodbyes. "is aunt may still at the spring court castle?" I ask and he nods, "I'll explain when we get there"

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