Chapter one

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"Asta! Stop daydreaming and get on with your chores, the cows will not muck themselves out" Aunt May screams from within the house causing me to throw my head back and groan, I love her but does that woman complain a lot.

I wasn't even daydreaming, just looking to the mountains , beyond is the Dark Kingdom apparently no one has set foot over those mountains since the Great War, I don't even think people can remember what the High lords power is or even if the other High lords can remember what he looks like, the Kingdom keeps to themselves but I can't help be curious.

I know Aeron doesn't remember High Lord Evander because when he visits the farm with my brother he always catches me staring off into the mountains and tells me that he will be surprised if he ever sees the High lord in my lifetime, to which I stuck out my tongue out to him. I was twelve when this happened so that's why I'm guessing he didn't let his guards chop of my tongue, plus my brother Asher is his best human guard-at the time guard in training- and are friends so I guess that's a reason why too, I'm seventeen now and I treat Aeron like he's my older brother too when he's at the farm, but I know the difference between treating him as my High lord when in public and treating him as family when with our closest friends.

He is relatively young compared to the other High lords minus Evander, I think they are the same age, apparently when their fathers would meet they would play together, and when the Great War came along they fought alongside each other, I'm pretty sure Aeron said that they were barely in their hundreds then and their fathers were still the High lords.

I don't think anything happened for the Dark kingdom to be closed off to the rest of the kingdoms, they are known as the outcast kingdom with creatures that are said to belong in the Wicked Woods and not a kingdom, so I guess they got sick of judgement and just decided to leave the rest of the kingdoms to their own devises. I kind of get it since I want to do that when the girls from the village make fun of me, except I get made fun of for not wearing dresses not for my existence, so I guess they have it worse than me.

I don't mean to look to the mountains they just catch my eyes sometimes and I start to imagine what's beyond, no one knows, no one has drawings or painting of it, they don't even know the powers of Evander anymore. it's like the sky world, at night I can't help but look to the sky and look to the stars and guessing which one is mother, do they just watch over us all the time or do they live in a city of stars, a city of stars sound like a place where I'd love to live.

I do the same thing when I look at the mountains, do they brood all day and fight like everyone assumes, or is like all over kingdoms and they just get judged because they are outcasts which were rejected by every other kingdom because they were not understood and just didn't fit in.

"ASTA!" I turn to see May stood there with hands on her hips and a stern look, so I walk to her and she hands me the bucket, "you need to get your head out of the clouds, you're never going to see the dark kingdom" she tells me for the hundredth time since I've lived here, "I know that aunt May, I just like looking at them and-" I lead of not knowing how to word it, "you can't help what wonder what's beyond" I shrug at her and start mucking out the cows, "your just like your mother, you know she went to every other kingdom with a circus just so she could see them all, well almost all of them" I scoff and start filling the barrel with cow muck, "I don't think I'll be joining a circus anytime soon May, I don't even want to see the other kingdoms I know what they look like from the paintings in Aeron's castle, it's just there's something about the dark kingdom that-" once again I'm at a loss of words, I was never good with my words, my mother use to say that my heart held too much emotion that not even the world had words for them yet because they were so strong that no other could feel them and therefore couldn't help me with the words that do not exist to explain them yet, "I don't know May, I just think they're pretty" she smiles at me sadly, "your so much like her" I nod and pick up the barrel to take it put into the fields, "it's nothing to be ashamed of Asta" she whispers and kisses my head before going to feed the animals. if it's nothing to be ashamed of to be my mother's daughter then why does no one call me by my real name?

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