Chapter thirteen

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The plan was made, it was the same as last time, fight for as long as possible and then all the high lords shut the gate, turn out there's been more deaths since I've been gone and people who travel have seen mysterious creatures in no man land.

But little did they know I was going to stick with this plan and it's going to be so much more different than last time, because this time they have me and the guy behind it all.

The dagger was a prophecy and it said that the second time he attacks he would come himself in the flesh and not through demons. "Asta you stay here" me and Makil freeze at this, "what why?" I turn to Aeron confused.

"you've already done a lot for this war and I don't want you in harm's way" I give him a look of disbelief and turn to everyone else to back me up but they look like they agree with him even Evander.

"I beat all of your damn warriors Aeron" I rage and he shakes his head, "you're not coming that's final" I scoff and look to Makil, "they will be worrying about you if you're out on the battlefield and they can't have distractions" he explains instead of defending me, except I think its hint, "what if I can get someone else to watch my back?" I ask and Aeron slowly nods.

"Brummer, Brummer, Brummer" I chant and everyone looks confused. "hello human girl" I turn and see him leaning against a pillar grinning at everyone.

"Asta who is this?" Asher asks and I smile, "he's a friend I made along the way" he nods suspiciously. "can you watch my back?" I ask and he nods, he doesn't look as smug as he did in the woods maybe because he already knows what's happening, "there I have someone looking out for me, let me fight" Aeron inspects him for a few moments before giving off a huff and nodding, "if she is hurt, you die" Brummer puts his hand up in defence.

We all start to gear up and Brummer comes to me, "you know what you must do?" I nod and he smiles sadly at me, "I'll get you to him and make some of the demons back off for as long as I can" I look to him and a tear slips, "are you afraid?" he asks softly and wipes the tear from my cheek, "no" I say truthfully, "I'm just sad about how much-" the words stop and I look to everyone in the room and he squeezes my elbow, I see Mikal looking at me struggling not to cry and I smile in attempt to comfort him, he comes over and hugs me.

Surprisingly Brummer joins in and I let some tears fall, "they will understand" I nod into Makil's shoulder, "if I don't get to-" they both squeeze me tighter and I feel people staring, "we will let them all know" Brummer says and that's when I remember he can read my mind. "the witch said you'll get time after" I nod and hope. "thank you, guys," I say and pull away.

"I really need you to kick the demon's asses" they laugh and nod.

We finish getting ready. Me and Mikal say that we need toilet and sneak away for a few seconds, but we do what we need to do and then re-join the others.

"what are you two up to" I hear magnus ask and hug his little vampire, "nothing, we needed toilet" I smile and leave them to go to my family, "hey you guys ready" I ask and they nod and Noah puts his arm around me before whispering, "I know you're up to something and I'm choosing to trust that you know what you're doing" I nod and kiss his cheek, I kiss Asher's and Aarons too. "be safe all of you okay?" they all nod and hug me. "everyone ready?" I hear Grove shout and everyone replies yes.

Here goes nothing.

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