Chapter Six

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When I finally get to the silver river its night time, Aeron said when I got to the silver river to rest and that's what I'm going to do, my legs are aching from all the times I had the feeling of someone watching me and decided to walk faster.

I can't even see the stars due to the trees, but luckily the river gives off enough light for me to see my surroundings. I sit down on the grass and eat some of the food aunt may packed for me, I look to do the river and start imagining the serpent Shiva creating it, would she have feared the creatures in these woods or would she be the creature in the woods that people feared.

I hear a whistle in the distance and turn to see where it came from and just see the wind rustling the trees, when I turn back to the river the whistle begins again. I pack up my stuff and look around to see nothing before standing up, how I wish I had night vision right now, the wind picks up and the trees whistle more.

I think they're trying to tell me something, I close my eyes and take a deep breath and listen, "Run" my eyes open immediately and the wind picks up again I turn and see something moving through the trees and decide to listen, I start to run along the river and the trees whistle more and more and this time I can hear them clearing, "run child! The shadows have found you! You shouldn't have come here! Get to Evander! Run-" I pick up my pace, "Run-" I hear the shadows moving through the trees next to me, "Run-" I do not dare to see what's in the trees next to me but I see the mountains up ahead, I should be grateful that I got to the mountains but right now I really just need to keep running.

"there's a passage-" the trees rustle, "the shadows can't get through-" I start to scan the mountains close by and can't see anything, "get to the passage-" I'm getting closer to the mountains and know I'm going to have to go back into the trees, "we will help-" why couldn't they help when I first started running? "find the passage-" I'm planning to don't worry, "just keep running" and with that they stop whistling and rustling and I'm left alone, I think they are distracting the shadows; however, trees can distract things.

I get into the woods and keep running to the mountains, I run up and down searching for an entrance and I can feel that the trees can't distract the shadows much longer. "please" I whisper, I'm not sure to who. I stop and pant whilst sweat drips down my forehead, I spin around to see my surrounding and tug my hair, "please" I beg again.

I'm about to run again when I see a blue tear like creature pop its head around a tree- a wisp- I completely forgot that wisps could appear to anyone in a time of need and finding.

"can you help me?" I whisper and it looks like its analysing me for a few seconds before turning to the woods and nodding, it makes a humming noise and more wisps appear.

I start to follow them, the trees are starting to rustle again in warning meaning that the shadows are no longer distracted, I start to run to where the wisps are leading me until I come to a bouldered up entrance, they must have blocked of this entrance when the kingdom closed off, I begin pulling the rocks out with my hands and they start to bleed, but I can't focus on that right now. I groan in frustration when a wisp appears next to a hole in the wall, I look and see that it's a key figure-you have to be kidding me- I freeze when I hear the shadows getting closer and the wisp disappears being spooked, I get a pin from my hair out and start pick locking,

I taught myself when I accidentally lost the key for my cupboard with everything in and mother said that I needed to open it myself without breaking it.

I can feel myself getting close but I can also feel the shadows getting closer too as the wind picks up even faster than before making me panic, I look around and see the shadows move in the trees extremely close to me, I hear a click and all the rocks that were covering the entrance fall I run in and feel the presence of a shadow from right behind me when I turn the blackness is returning back into the trees, some I can still feel watching.

Then the rocks build themselves back up again and I'm left in complete darkness. I slump against the rock wall and just breath, I can't believe that the trees actually talk, I mean I know people always say it but hearing them myself was absolutely unexpected and so were the wisps, the creatures after me not so much, I think there's actually more good in these woods than people want to admit. I look down into the darkness of the mountain and sigh knowing I'm probably going to fall a million times. A light glows up some of the darkness and I frown in confusion as a wisp appears again next to me, "you have already helped enough" I quietly say and it looks like it smiling before it starts to move down the passage and I get up to start following.

This is going to take a while.

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