Guns & Gowns : A Tale Untold

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“Mi'lady! Mi'lady! A letter has come in from the barracks of the North! The letter is addressed to you, Mi'lady!” Screamed the maid as she shook the sleeping noble awake. “Angie, do you mind? I wish to continue my rest...” She said as her eyelids became quite heavy. “But Mi'lady! The letter came from the captain! It says here, Captain Uzumaki, lady Uchiha!” She screeched as she realized what the maid has been informing her. She quickly sat up with excitement rushing through her viens. With enthusiasm, she reached for the sealed envelope. “Give me that!” She said as she grabbed the letter and quickly opened it.

Dearest, Lady Uchiha,

How are you, mi'lady? Has your business been going well? Your rest, how are they? I wish to know how you are doing. We've arrived at the North, we'll be engaging in battle soon. You needn't worry, I will keep my word and stay alive. I've been stationed to a tent with my childhood friends, who decided to follow me and serve the country. The bloodshed has not started yet if you're ever wondering. Your parents also wish to know more about how you're doing, write back to me as soon as this letter has reached your estate. It's too soon but I heard some French in camp. As I've heard from your father, “Mon Amour” was it? I heard it means, “My love”. 'Til I hear from you again, I'll continue living, Mon amour.

Captain B. Uzumaki.

“My love?” I gushed over the letter and the new found nickname. He definitely has a way with his words. “Grace! Grace! Quickly, get the parchment and wax, I have to write back as soon as I can!” I say to the maid. She nodded and went to fetch the parchment. I got out of my bed and made my way back to the wardrobe to change into something more appropriate. I slipped out of my nightgown and into the corset. Reaching for the strings at the back, I balled my fists and pulled the strings. Once secured, I tied them and proceeded to search for a gown. I reached for a cream dress that suited a petite frame like mine. Unexpectedly, a knock drew my attention away from searching for a pair of shoes that might go well with my dress.

“Mi'lady, are you decent? I've already fetched the parchment along with the wax. May I come in your quarters?” Grace asked briefly. I allowed her to come in as I was in fact decent enough to welcome the staff. “Here you go, mi'lady. Call for me if you wish to send to letter right away.” She said as she shut the door to give me privacy. I sat on my desk and grabbed the quill and ink. I lay the paper on the desk along with the melting wax.
I dipped the quill in ink and it began to glide on the parchment.

Goodmorning Captain,
I wish you have a pleasant morning there in the barracks. Although there is nothing pleasant about an ongoing war and the camp. I am pleased to inform you that I have been doing well. My designs have excelled again. I wonder when you will be able to come back to New York? I suppose it wouldn't be possible at the moment but I'd admit that I miss you. Tell my parents I'm doing well. You all keep safe. Keep writing to me, kind sir.

Yours Truly,
Lady Sarada Uchiha.

I smiled as I ended writing. I folded it and pressed a kiss to the parchment. I sighed once I had shut the envelope containing the letter. “Grace, do you mind calling the carriage men? I wish to take this to town and send it myself.” I requested politely and she smiled at me with delight. She fixed her ruffled apron and combed her hair. She looked at me and grinned as she answered. “Why, of course! I'd call Carl and tell him to get ready, mi'lady. Do be careful going into town.” she reminded me with hint of cheer.

“Hey, Grace?”
“Yes, Lady Uchiha?” she questioned. I smiled before I continued. “Do you think they'll come home soon?”
“Who, my lady? Your parents?” she raised an eyebrow. She had her hand to her chin as she wondered. I chuckled as I turned a bit red because of my thoughts. “I— I mean, do you think they will come home?” I asked. Putting emphasis on 'they'. She wondered a while 'til she figured what I was implying. “OH! He, that one. I honestly would love to give you hope yet you ask of me to tell you my honest thoughts—”
“Alas, that is true. Do tell me what you think.” I said with all seriousness.
She chuckled nervously. “Well, from what I heard from my brother, he's quite the man. A good warrior. To answer the questionnaire, yes, I think the captain will survive.”

I breathed out as I relaxed my shoulders. Thank heavens. I gave her a relieved smile. “If you say so, come on, I wish to get this sent to him right away.” I said as I sped down the stairway. I grabbed a coat to avoid the cold winter air. I exited the house and stepped into the carriage— the one Grace called on my behalf. “Where to, Ms. Uchiha?” the foot man asked. “To the post office, sir. I'd call my own carriage after my plans with the office.” she said as the foot man nodded. They were off to town.
She opened the curtains and looked outside. The area was beautiful. She surveyed it and thought how it would be like if they were free of the Otsosukis' hold. They were currently at war with England— the kingdom of Queen Kaguya Otsosuki. She taxed their country relentlessly and her men— the redcoats, were absolutely merciless. She fears for the lives of the troops. Kind and honourable men, serving the country. Giving their lives and hearts to fight the dangerous war. Such bloodshed would occur. So many men, who gave up their lives to fight for freedom. Our freedom.

An honourable man. The one courting her was a man of honour. She smiled at the thought of the man. She reminisced the night they met. The night she had bumped into the man. The night she fell for his heavenly beautiful eyes. Such a courageous man he is. He will come back, he will. She gazed at the shops they had encountered as they were entering town. She smiled with all the hope inside of her. She had to get this letter to him. Imagine how it would be when he comes back. She thought with delight.

The carriage suddenly paused. They have arrived at the post office. One of the footmen opened the door and she quickly left the comfort of the carriage and it's cushioned seats. “Do be careful, Miss. We would happily come back to—” she made them stopped with her palm. “Please, enjoy the rest of the day in the Manor. I will come back on my own. I will be extra cautious, that I give you my word.” she said with a smile. The servant nodded and they left the lass to her errands. She waved as they rode back to her Manor. She walked to the post office and the door was opened by a kind gentleman. She thanked him quickly and hurried to send the letter.

She approached the lady on the desk. The other then smiled at her. “Goodmorning, child. You wish to send that one?” the older woman said and she nodded. She handed the letter giddly and the post lady laughed at her movements. “To be sent to a lover,  I assume?” she asked. Sarada's face reddened quite a bit. She then nodded at the lady's question. The other giggled as she reminisced. “How delightful! I remember how my cousin was with his wife. I too have a lover. He's joined my cousin and some of our friends in the war. The messenger went with a bag of letters today, I believe he'll be back later today. Say young lady, to whom will you send that letter?” she asked with wonder.

“To captain Uzumaki, ma'am.” she said as the other examined the letter. The other stared at her with curiosity. She then laughed.“My, my. I believe you're the lady he sent that letter to. How charming. My nephew found a nice young lady.” she said with a giggle. “Nephew?” Sarada asked. “Why, yes. I'm Karin Uzumaki. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” the red haired lady said as she reached her hand to the lass on the other side of the desk. “I— I'm happy to be acquainted to you as well— I mean, likewise, miss!” she said with embarrassment. The other chuckled at her. “Well, I'd have this sent over right away. Wouldn't want to be a partition in a romance.” she said with a grin.

Sarada then smiled as she walked out the post office. She waved goodbye at the nice lady as she left to explore town. She a mix of you both, Karin thought as she watched the young girl leave the place. Suddenly the door busted open with a sweating messenger.

The man breathed in and out. It looked like he came running back. The man had shriveled clothes. He had sweat running down his forehead and cheeks flushed. He was exhausted for sprinting. “Karin! You wouldn't believe it! Your nephew— the captain! He's sending a letter to this young lass! This is the second time this has happened!” he exclaimed as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Karin laughed at her servant. The man quirked an eyebrow at her. It was as if he had grown two heads. “Miss, what had happened while I was gone? —” “I'm quite informed. She just came here to send a letter of her to my nephew.” “Here, be a doll and give me the letters. I'll chase her to give her the letter. I believe Bolt deserves this young lass.” Karin swiped the letters from his hands and chased the young lady.

She ran to the direction Sarada went. The red head searched for the noble in red. The daughed of the lieutenant Uchiha and lover of her loving nephew. As soon as she spotted her,
she called for her as soon as she saw the head of raven hair and a red dress. “Hey! Hey you! Yes, you! Come back here!” she said as she fetched the young one her letter. Sarada turned to look at her. She raised an eyebrow at the aunt of her lover. “You! You really went a long way at a quite short time. I— the messenger— he arrived early. There's more letters for you.”

Part 3 will be published soon.

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