Unfestive Festival

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Requested by YudainaOblique

The teenager tapped her friend's shoulder as she gathers courage to ask. “Hey, the festival's coming up. You wanna come along with me?”
The blonde chuckled as he shook his head. “Nah, I think I'm gonna pass on this one, Sarada.” A flash of disappointment was masked by her grumpy face. “Fine. Go enjoy your videogames while I enjoy the Matsuri(—festival in Japanese.)” Boruto grinned as he said, “I'll do just that.”

The boy continues to fiddle with his buttons as the other teenager rolled her eyes at his excuse to decline her invitation. A purple blur in the distance made him wave goodbye to the other. Thus the boy ran to the purple blur, leaving the other all alone in her solitude and disappointment.

Sarada walked away as she let the disappointment sink in. She sighed as she wasn't able to convince her best friend to attend the festival with her. She frowned as she went her way home to prepare for the event. A festive event, an event she was supposed to share with her best friend yet her offer was rejected.

Such a peaceful walk of hers 'til Mitsuki and Inojin interrupted the sweet solitude. “Never got him to agree eh?” The blue eyed boy teased. The onyx eyed teen rolled her eyes at his attempt to irritate her. “Hey, why don't you just shut up?” she said in annoyance of their intrusion of her silence.

“It appears Boruto is opposing the idea of attending the festival with you, Sarada.” Mitsuki admitted with all his honesty. “Psh, he's just avoiding the festival to play games.” Inojin replied with a short cackle. For the second time, Sarada rolled her eyes. Mitsuki chuckled at the response of the blonde. “Maybe, maybe not.” Yet that phrase never took the thought out of her mind. It's a possibility that he's just avoiding the idea of attending the event with her.

Her mother's call made her ignore the 'what-ifs' and thoughts. She bid the pair goodbye as she went with the pink haired doctor. She went on with her afternoon and proceeded to prepare for the evening. A muted red yukata and sandals and to the Matsuri she goes.

With the moon's light and the pastel lanterns that lit the clearing. Stalls of food of all kind placed all around the area. Dango and Animitsu stalls were all around the place. A call of her friends made her run to a direction. “Sarada!” the girl called.

Sarada was then embraced by the one who called. “Chou-chou, you're really enjoying the festival...” Sarada breathed out as she escaped the grasp of the other. “Well, Mitsuki was wrong. He's probably at home playing videogames right now! HAHA!” Inojin laughed as he grinned at Mitsuki who was shaking his head.

Shikadai shook his head with a smirk at the blonde's statement of the other blonde's current activities. “I'd watch my tongue if I were you. Boruto might be up to something.” The Nara stated with a hint of laziness. Thus, the chaotic thoughts that once escaped were back. It made her conscious of why he refused.

“How about we all just get some dangos and squids then we can find a place to watch the fireworks. Doesn't that just sound great?” Mitsuki offered and a smile took over Sarada's features again. “Well, that's food he's talking about so why don't we just go and get the dangos.” Sarada replied as she grabbed the food-obsessed teenager that was currently fantasising over the treats on a stick.

As dangos were purchased they came across a wandering Sumire. They assumed the lilac haired girl was searching for a stall of squid or possibly ongiri. They paid no mind the girl as they found a spot in the field of grass to see the bright exploding lights.

“I really don't think he just stayed at home to play games...” Sarada whispered to the gang. They raised an eyebrow at what she had uttered. “Well it's not like he has a date or does he?” Inojin joined in on her thoughts. “It's Boruto we're talking about. He's quite the spontaneous one.” Mitsuki confessed. Shikadai yawned before ending the conversation with his statement. “What a drag. Just watch the fireworks.” And there they ended the conversation of the possible activities of the missing Uzumaki.

As the eating and quenching of thirst continued, the show of fireworks began. Lights of all colors exploded and reflected in their eyes. Smiles of hope and joy were plastered on their faces. As Sarada looked away for a moment, a sight that she regretted she ever saw. A sight of pure deception and pain.

It was him. With her. The purple blur was none other than Sumire. An offer was rejected and a lie was created so this special night was spent with her. She was deceived. For all the affections and sweetness she received. They were all lies. A fool she was for ever believing that it was possible that her feelings were reciprocated.

She weeped in silence as she started at them, having the time of their lives. Her cries were never heard as she felt her heart crack. She couldn't take her stare away from the heartbreaking scene. She bowed her head as her weeps continued. None of them heard as the volume of the fireworks was dominant to all the noise.

A pain she couldn't keep on showing. She stood up and ran. Her companions were worried yet they let her run off on her own. “Maybe it's alone time she needs...” Chou Chou said as she watched the girl run away from their group.

As a trio watched them all from a higher distance. On the heads of the 7 hokages they all stood and watched the deception and the girl's pain-filled cries. “Sasuke-kun..” Sakura whispered as they watched their daughter break apart. “Bullshit! He just led her on!” Naruto said as anger filled his insides. Then they all felt another presence from behind.

“Let the teenagers handle all the romance and heartbreak. We all handled it before.” Kakashi said and the trio remained silent. They knew their mentor was right. An unfestive festival indeed.

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