Chapter 1 <it begins>

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(Warning gore)

A small monster walks through a now empty village no one in sight, the wind blows loudly as the sound of crunching and chewing echos through the air growling following, the small monster walked into an alleyway when they came to a stop, one of those...things was eating someone a small bunny child, the child's eyes where lifeless and blank there neck had a huge bite mark blood pooling on the floor the rabbits arm was in its mouth the bone snapped and crunched in the things mouth the thing had its brain exposed lifeless eyes and was once a human, the small monster stepped back but a bone snapped under them little droplets of blood splattered on there cheek the once human snapped its neck around and lifted it self up for the small monster to see the bunny child's leg was ripped off and was torn apart, the small monster ran away not looking back and ran through a portal leading to an different AU where the virus was not yet...UNDERSWAP

                             Dreams POV
I was sitting in my chair in our hangout in US(underswap) with ink complaining about random AU'S life count to start glitching and messing up making it look like monsters where dying but then undying again and again and no resets had happened I was waiting for blue to get back he was exploring one of the messed up AU'S, even tho there was a blizzard outside making everything more difficult, soon a portal opened and blue jumped through and closed it almost as soon as he opened it he sat on the ground the breathes heavily like he was running, "so what happened blue?" Ink asked before we both saw a blood splatter on his cheekbone, he was trembling his eyes darted side to side "are you ok blue?!" I asked jumping up from my chair he turned to me and whispered "there all...all...dead..." my eyes went wide "what do you mean?!" I nearly yelled he looked at me in the eyes again and said louder his voice shaking " they are...are...zombies eating eachother and...that child was-" he started trembling more and more I ran over and hugged him he started sobbing in my cape ink wrote this in a note pad then his scarf before we heard a loud bang at the door, it made all of us jump before we heard it "LET ME IN THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH-" a loud echoing scream was heard as well as crunching and chewing with growling and groaning, the scream slowly stopped and we could see blood slipping under the door pooling i nearly screamed before grabbing ink and blue and teleporting us to the only person I could think brother

Sorry for the short chapter with the cliffhanger I normally would write more and go to someone from Nightmares gang POV but I didn't want a short book with chapter very long but 502 words :}

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