saying goodbye to grandma janice

Start from the beginning

"Of course you can hold my hand, Cora. Bubba, can you hold Averie's hand please?" Will says and Benji happily holds Averie's hand.

RJ holds Harlow and Theodore's hands while Will holds Luca with one hand and holding Coralei's hand with the other as they all walk to the funeral home.

"We all have to be quiet in the funeral home okay?" RJ says to all of the kids softly.

The kids all nod and the funeral director walks up to them.

"Are you the family of Janice?" The funeral director asks Will and RJ.

"Yes, we are." RJ says softly to the funeral director.

"Right this way please!" The funeral director says as she walks Will, RJ and the kids over to the viewing room.

The funeral director opens the door and they all steps in and Will tears up at the sight of the casket with his Grandma inside.

The kids see a lot of their family members there and they all wave at the kids, Will and RJ.

"Do you wanna walk up there first, baby?" RJ asks Will softly and Will nods.

"Will you come with me? I need you.." Will says softly to RJ.

"Of course I can! Hey guys, why don't you say hi to Nana and Pop! They haven't seen you guys in almost two months." RJ says as Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all walk over to Karen and Hank.

RJ hands Luca to Karen to hold and then he and Will walk over to the casket together.

Tears fall down Will's cheeks as he slowly grabs his Grandma's cold hand.

RJ rubs Will's shoulders and kisses him.

"She is wearing the dress she wore when we got married." RJ says, reminiscing with Will and Will nods.

"S-she looks beautiful." Will says in a whisper.

"She sure does." RJ says softly to Will.

Will hugs RJ tightly and RJ hugs Will back.

"Should the kids see her too?" Will asks RJ softly.

"Yeah, let's bring them over. Looks like your mom and stepdad are explaining things to them." RJ says to Will with a grin.

Will and RJ both walk over to the kids.

"Hey kiddos, do you want go see Grandma now?" Will asks Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow.

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all nod up at Will and RJ.

"I'll hold Luca for you guys." Karen says softly as she happily rocks him making Will and RJ smile.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all walk over to the casket and stare at Grandma Janice.

"Grandma dress is really pretty." Coralei says softly to Will and RJ.

"It is pretty, isn't it? She wore that dress when Daddy and I got married." RJ says to Coralei.

"Oooo!" Coralei, Averie and Harlow all say in unison to RJ happily.

Benji begins to tear up and cry and Will hugs him tightly.

"It's okay, bubba. It's okay." Will says softly to Benji as Benni cries.

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