Self-confidence is amazing , I think

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Frisk takes a deep sigh trying to repress those memories and takes off the remaining clothing and shuts the water off. She then lowers herself into the tub slowly savoring every relaxing sensation as she sinks in. She lays there for a few minutes forgetting the stress she experienced today and soaks in the water. She soaks her hair and washes with a shampoo meant for fine hair, a form of shampoo spray that smells like pine and cotton. She scrubs her scalp furiously trying to get sticky whiskey residue off. A few minutes pass as she rubs grime, pukes, and alcohol off. Then relaxes again for a few minutes.

As she's relaxing thoughts come shooting fast as a bullet.

That group of monsters wanted to talk to Grillby didn't seem to be the friendliest or the usual day-to-day monsters she's encountered so far. Why are they there? Why do they need to talk to Grillby? Why did they almost get rid of 'one more useless' thing? As more and more questions pop up she gets more and more nervous. What would have happened if Grillby wasn't there? Why did they come on a day when Chara was supposed to perform? Then it hits.

"Those three might be from the mob."She sits up quickly as she becomes more nervous than before. More and more negative thoughts come through.

If they are from the mob does that mean Grillby is paying a protection fee? Is Grillby going to be ok? Chara. Chara is supposed to sing today, but she's drunk as hell. What happens if they wanted to see her? Oh shit.

She stands almost falling, steps out, rushes to the towels, and drys off quickly. She wraps it around her body and grabs another towel for her hair.

She unlocks the door and sprints to the break room without thinking. As she nears the break room door she realizes she's only wearing a towel and a towel hat.

"I can't wear alcohol and puke-stained clothes to work, but I can't wear just a towel," Frisk whispers angrily. That's when it donned on her, she has backup clothes in her employee's locker. She opens the door slowly and to her surprise no one was there. Chara, Grillby they were all gone. She rushes over to her locker that has clean 2-month-old clothes that she brought in case of emergency if her mom ever stops by.

Frisk tries to open it only to realize it has a code. She knows the numbers but doesn't know the order.

55   38  05


Her hands start to shake as she tries again
05  55  38

Cold sweat starts running down her back hoping no one comes in
38  05  55
She yanks open the lock and takes it out quickly, but still shakes a little.

Nothing has ever sailed so smoothly before in situations like these, she thinks to herself as she opens the locker. There is an almost empty locker lying in a pink envelope that says to Frisk. She opens it hesitantly.

"Dear, Frisk
It's Chara just wanted to let you know I borrowed your shirt and pants, hope you don't need them today. Well, to be more honest I need your shirt and Mike needs your pants. I need your shirt because I'm going swimming today and needed a sun cover, Mike needed pants because he ripped his and couldn't get ahold of his wife. I will give them back and washed before you read this letter.

P.S.  If not then I forgot, could you please tell me I forgot your clothes, thanks. :)"
Dated 2 weeks ago

The only thing in there is just undergarments. Just panties and a bra Frisk forgot along with the other clothing. A bra and panties that fits her without binding. Her heartbeat increases a little bit. Those are the undergarments she bought when she was dating Zander. She thought she was in love, but turns out she just lacked emotional support. Good thing Zander cheated on her with Karen before he got the chance to see them. As she holds the lacy bra and sexy panties memories of her and Zander come rushing through. That butterfly feeling is now dead and the sweet memories she once liked are just another memory to her now. She takes a deep sigh and gently clutches them.

"I was too naïve to think I was loved." A tear rolled down her cheek as she remembers all those sweet nothings he whispered.

She wipes the tear away with the panties and puts them on. She shuts the door furiously imagining it was being slammed into Zander's face and locked it again with the letter in hand.
"Come of Frisk, There are plenty of people out there. Heck, even monsters. Zander was a piece of shit." She hits her locker with her fist.

"He was and still is a piece of shit." She hits again this time even harder making a little dent. Another tear rolls down this time out of anger. Anger for not realizing it sooner.

She looks in the mirror near the door to Grillby's house.

Despite everything, it's still you.

She looks in the mirror and for the first time in a long time, she has self-confidence. She's checking herself out in the mirror and as it said, it's still here. Something caught her eye on the couch. It's a Chara's purse reflecting light. Still filled with confidence she goes over to the couch and gets the dress to try on. At first, it was too tight around the bust and waist, but it slowly stretches to fit her. It doesn't feel tight or lose it fits like a glove. A very comfortable glove.

"I kinda like this," Frisks says to herself while looking in the mirror. The door slams open and Chara comes marching in with a glass of water in her hand and her high heels in the other.

"You LooK amAzing!" Chara shouts and closes the door. Frisk jumps a little still looking in the mirror. She turns around and takes the glass off Charas hand. She brings it up to her nose and sniffs. Water. It's just water. She gives it back to Chara

"Sorry, I'm wearing your dress. I can go take it off as soon as I wash my clothes that you puked on." Frisk apologize. Chara doesn't say anything and walks towards Frisk and zips up her dress. It fits fantastically.

"Well, I don't need it at all. I'm not singing tonight!"Chara soberly cheered. As she leans against Frisk for support.


"Because Grillby said he doesn't want another Valentine's day fiasco." Chara cheered. One Valentine Chara was supposed to sing, got drunk, and was singing in cursive while cupid gave out hot chocolate with tequila.

"He also said you're covering for me!" Chara smiles. She goes to the couch and gestures at Frisk to come with her. This does not fill frisk with determination it fills her with anxiety and pressure.

"But you are the one who sings! I'm the cross-dressing weirdo who's a waitress! I don't know the proper singing etiquette." Frisk shouts

"I'm stIlL DruNK a Lil. You HaVe to." Chara says. Both of them sit on the couch and talk about etiquette. Frisk warms up by using scales with Chara hoping that it'll make Chara sober enough to sing. Silence fills the room until knocking is heard.




Grillby opens the door and leads 3 monsters in to meet the Chara and Frisk. They are those silhouettes that Frisk helped. Skeletons.

Fearless (mafiafell Sans x Frisk)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora