Mayhem! At the Bar

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(Above is how Frisk looks like, but in Grillby Bar she makes sure to block her eyes and face and yes the title is a parody of Panic! At the Disco )
Frisk POV
"I am really sorry for my rude behaviour, sir. If you need anything I would happily write it down as soon as you let go of my wrist." I nervously spoke with the fakest smile I ever made. His grip gradually became lose until my wrist broke free. I reached to get my notepad to write their order down while still shaking.

"Now then, what can I get you guys? Any food, drinks, or condiments?" I jokingly say trying to get some control over my mind. There was a moment of silence that felt like an entirety until one of them spoke. The same monster that grabbed my wrist to be exact.


A moment passed

"I'm sorry I didn't quite hear you, can you please say it again?" My voice shook. Did he just ask for mustard or am I so nervous that I am starting to hear things? His posture changed as he takes an annoyed sigh and slams this fist on the table.

"I said, mustard god damn it! Look, kid, we had a tough day with gettin rid of things and I really don't feel like gettin rid of another useless thing." He takes a long puff of his cigar and releases red smoke from his nose while I write mustard in big letters.

"Anything else from this table?"

"I will have water and my friend here would like the finest monster whiskey with only one ice cube and a little bit of lemon." A big dark silhouette said as he hands me a $20 bill.

"Keep the rest boy and you better tell this to Grillby." The silhouette says threatening.

"What a weird bunch of monsters." I sighed as I head over to Grillby. The weight on my shoulders dropped tremendously and I feel like I can breathe again. As I walked over to Grillby a familiar face walks towards me. It's Chara getting ready to sing in front of the bar.

"I wish I was that confident to sing in front of all those bastards and be in a reviling dress with heavy makeup." I joked to myself.

Chara smiles at me and begins to walk towards me. She hugs me and squished my face.

"Why on earth are you still cross dressing?! Your wasting all of your natural seduction charm!" Chara whispers harshly.

"I don't want to be eye candy for all these drunken men while I parade around my quote on quote seduction charm." I sighed as I walk towards Grillby.

"Use your charm to harm is what I always say to that! Come on Frisk! It's not like you'll let 'em touch your ass freely without given 'em a fist full of pain!" Chara tries to persuade.

"Do you realise how much trouble I would be in if I look better then that stuck up Karen?"

"Oh who gives a flying shit about her? If you have any form of charm then flaunt it!" Chara practically screams into my ear.

"Fine, I'll think about it!" I gave into Charas rant. Chara let's out a small woo under her breath and smiles at the fact that I gave into her. Chara is the only person I would consider my family ever since we meet in kindergarten. Her rosey cheeks hasn't even changed from before.

"Frisk, do you have something you want to say to me?" Grillby ask trying to get my attention. I look at him embarrassed at the fact that I was lost in my own little world thinking about how much Chara means to me.

Fearless (mafiafell Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now