Secret Of The Past (19)

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"What...?" Lucas gasped.

Ace widened his eyes.


Nami gasped, covering her mouth with wide eyes. Shanks hitched his breath at this.

His captain's mother was killed?

Not an accident?

"What did you-"

"I make it looked like it's an accident," the dark twin chuckles. "That bitch found out about my plan and threaten me to tell everyone about this but of course... I can't let her do that."

Blade narrowed his eyes. "I pushed her and break her neck from falling off the cliff."

Rune is having a hard time breathing. "N-no... Ellie... my sweet Ellie..." he whimpered. "S-she-"

"You fucking murderer!" Dan hissed with tears at the corner of his eyes.

They noticed how stilled and quiet the cave are before went paled at the figure behind them.





"I dare," Blade grinned. Then his eyes went up with dark glint.

"Knock them."

Lucas looked up and just in time to see a large fist coming down.

"LOOK OUT!" He screamed, dodging with Dan on the other side with Rune.


The ground is now breaking and with a strong force, the monster roared and eyeing Dan hungrily.

"Holy shit!" Sanji cussed.

"This is bad," Benn narrowed his eyes with sweats. "With command ability by his side, they stand no chance against that thing."

"First Power," Dan breathes hurriedly, staring at the creature. "Sword!"

Two floating swords appeared on his sides, aiming perfectly and sliced instantly with swift. Its roared with pain, recovered and swing its arms but the swords dodge them easily.

Zoro and Vista looked interested, and surprised at the sudden appearance.

The swords are well cared and obviously have been taken care of. Even without holding it, Dan has the eyes of a swordman and hold a lot of experience.

Lucas backed away and saw a hole. Getting an idea, he carefully put Luffy inside.

"I will be back Luffy," he promised. "I need to help Dan and get Rune-sama out of there."

Just when he's about to get up, a small hand tugging his shirt which halted him. Looking down, he couldn't help but softened to see his little brother unconsciously doing it.

"Luffy..." Ace mumbled.

"He really loved his brother huh?" Thatch smiled. "Lucas really is a good brother."

"Very," Dragon agreed.

"Even at the time like this?" He whisper softly, kneel down and carefully peel his fingers off of him.

"I love you," he kissed his forehead and hurriedly join to help Dan with determined gaze.

"Awww..." the girls cooed. Even men.

"First Power," Lucas is glowing with now golden eyes. "First Form: Snake!"

His lower body changed into a shape of snake's body. Black scales appeared on his arms, neck and face. His eyes are slit and his tongue flickered with long and sharp.

"SO COOL!" Usopp and Chopper cheered with sparkling eyes.

Hancock and her sisters blinked with stunned. It's the same as they are after using their devil fruits and he has a snake form?

"Is that his form?" Nami asked.

"He have many forms," Scourge corrected her. "As for the Second Power, each abilites have four powers and one by one, they will be evolved like Upgrade."

"DOUBLE COOL!" They swooned.

Ace scowled, crossed his arms and grumbles about how Lucas is a lot stronger than he was.

Even Sabo is little ticked.

Whitebeard and Shanks are widened their eyes after feeling coming from him.

Such power from young lad and it's the level as a the Emperor.

How strong is he?

Lucas hissed, sliding easily before wrapped around its arm and squeezed tightly.

The creature roared, glaring at him and slammed its arm on the wall. Lucas slide up to dodge and wrap around its neck before squeeze again.

Blade is still angry, watching his brother fighting against the creature and noted that his little brother is nowhere to be found.

"He must be hiding..." he mumbled before his eyes set on the elder leader.

He suddenly grinned.

Ace get the uneasy feelings.

Multiverse & Memories Of Monkey D Luffy (Hiatus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz