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The elevator opens with a ding and two women step out into the office. One of them is neatly dressed in office clothes and has red hair. The other one is just wearing regular pants, a white t-shirt, a red flannel, and a black New York Yankees cap. A blond ponytail sticks out of the cap. The office has the main color orange and exists out of a few cubicles with desks and one big cubicle with five desks that stand in some kind of circle. They call it the squad room. The office also has a lot of cabinets and one big most wanted wall. The office is completely empty. The two women walk towards a big staircase that stands at the end of the office space. They walk up the staircase. When they reach the top they turn right. They walk past one silver door that leads to a room called MTAC and through a door that leads to a small room. In the room stands a desk on the right and to the left are a few chairs that stand against the wall. At the desk is a woman seated. "Good morning, Director Shepard." she says. "Goodmorning, Cynthia." says the woman with red hair. The two women proceed through a big silver door and they enter a big office. In the office stands a big desk and a long table with chairs where at least eight people can sit. On the left wall of the room hangs a big tv and the right wall consists out of windows that give you a big view. On one of the walls are hanging five clocks, each giving on a different time. They give the time in New York, London, Sydney, Dubai, and Tokyo. In DC it's currently 7 a.m.. There are also a few cabinets standing in the room and a bookcase with glass planks and liquor on them. The blond-haired woman whistles as she closes the door behind her. "Some office you got here Jenny." she says as she drops her backpack on the ground and walks towards the windows. "And what a view." she says as she looks outside. Jenny laughs. The blond-haired woman steps away from the windows and sits on the chair that stands behind the desk. "What a life you must have. Being the director of NCIS and getting to spin in this chair all day." the woman says as she spins the chair a few times. "You of all people, Selena, should know that it's way more than just spinning around in a chair." Jenny says. Selena stops spinning. "You're right." she says and she gets out of the chair. "Why did you take me here again?" Selena asks Jenny as she walks towards one of the cabinets and opens one of its drawers. The drawer is filled with files. "SEAL team eight was on a training exercise. They were rappelling down a cliff and the D-link of Lieutenant Johnson, the Team leader, snapped." Jenny says. "Ouch, that must have been a hard landing." Selena says as she closes the drawer. "Yeah it was, he died on impact." Jenny says. "Okay, so it was a training accident, what do you need me for?" Selena asks as she walks towards the front of the desk and leans on it. "That's what we thought too." Jenny says as she grabs a big file out of her bag. She puts the file on the long table and takes a seat on a chair. She nods at the chair on the head of the table, left of the one Jenny is sitting in, and Selena walks over and takes a seat. Jenny opens the file and takes out two pictures. She places them on the table in front of Selena. They are pictures of D-links. One D-link is broken but the other one is still intact. "Until our forensic scientist, Abby Sciuto, found something interesting." Jenny continues. "Let me guess, the D-link was tampered with?" Selena guesses. "No. There was no sign of tampering." Jenny says. "Then what is it?" Selena asks looking at the picture of the broken D-link. "The D-links are not the same." Jenny says. Selena looks up. "And what does that mean?" she asks. "The one that the manufacturer send over to Abby is made out of steel and the one that Lieutenant Johnson was using is made out of 66-3T6 aluminum. And the manufacture doesn't make the D-links in both metals." Jenny says. "Yeah, obviously. Aluminum is a very weak metal, no wonder it broke." Selena says as she looks at the picture of the broken D-link again. "That's true. Someone swapped the weaker D-link with the real D-link of Lieutenant Johnson. So it wasn't an accident, it was murder." Jenny says. "Okay, so I am assuming one of your teams is investigating whoever could have done it and what their motive is." Selena says. "That's right." Jenny says. Selena leans back in her chair. "So what am I doing here? And why couldn't we just have done this like we always do?" Selena asks. "You're here because I need your help. The mission SEAL team eight was supposed to go on is a matter of national security. We've been given a 38-hour window to solve this. That was thirty hours ago. We have eight hours left and I am getting desperate. An agent from the CIA came over because the SEALs have been training for a very specific mission and they were vetted by the CIA. The team's in the air. The touchdown is scheduled in eight hours. If we don't have a definitive answer by then, the mission is scrubbed. We need to know who swapped that D-link and why, otherwise the mission will go out the window." Jenny says a bit desperate. "As to why we couldn't do this the way we normally do, this is time-bound so I want you here and not at home at your computer so that when you find something you can share it with the team immediately. That is if you decide to help us." Jenny says. "Of course I am going to help you Jenny." Selena says. "But you already knew that." Jenny smiles. "I figured." Jenny says. "Okay, so I assume they checked every rope, D-link and harness?" Selena asks. Jenny nods. "Does the guy have a computer or cell or something?" Selena asks. "The team went through his stuff and found a cell phone. He made two calls before his death to a friend of him Father Clanon. They talked to him, but he wouldn't say anything because of the seal of confession. Abby also found a fingerprint that doesn't match Lieutenant Johnsons but his wife. So they went there too and they came back with his computer. They found a page 13 which was not in a Petty Officers service record and the Lieutenant wrote him off for promotion. They've brought the Petty Officer in for questioning, but nothing useful came out of that." Jenny says. "So basically you're back to square one?" Selena asks. "Yes." Jenny says with a sigh. "Okay, well I guess I am going to start looking for clues then." Selena says as she gets up to get her bag. She sits back down at the table and opens her bag to grab her laptop. "You can't work here I am afraid." Jenny says. "And why's that?" Selena asks with one hand in her bag. "I have a meeting in thirty minutes." Jenny says. "Okay, so where can I work?" Selena asks as she closes her bag. Jenny puts the two photo's of the D-links back in the file and closes it. Then she puts the file back into her bag and starts to walk towards the door. "Follow me." she says. Selena gets out of her chair and follows the director. They walk out of the director's office. "The leading agent on this case is Special Agent Clayton." Jenny says to Selena as they walk down the stairs. The office is now filled with people. Jenny and Selena walk towards the elevator they came up with but stop at the squad room. Selena looks at the people that are sitting in the squad room. Four of the five desks are occupied. At the desk to Selena's right sits a man. He is wearing a  blue button-down shirt with black pants. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. At the opposite desk of the rather handsome man sits a woman. She is wearing a yellow blouse and a pair of black jeans. She has brown hair, brown eyes, and has a lightly browned skin. She's also wearing a golden neckless with the star of David. To the womans left stands an empty desk and next to that stands a big desk. At this big desk sits a man. He is wearing a light blue shirt with a dark grey Colbert and black pants. He has grey hair and blue eyes. He is older than the others. On the opposite of the man stands another desk. Behind that desk is another man seated. He is wearing a grey suit with a blue tie. He has dark blond hair and green eyes. "Everybody. I like you all to meet Miss Parker." Jenny says. They all stop with whatever they are doing and look at them. The brown-haired man walks towards them eying the young woman up and down. He stops in front of her and holds out his hand. "Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo." he says as Selena takes his hand and shakes it. "Not a Very Special Agent Selena Parker." Selena says with a smile. Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo frowns a little bit as they let go of each other's hands and the woman that is sitting on the desk at her left lets out a small laugh. Selena looks at her and she stands up and walks towards her. "I'm Officer Ziva David." she says as she puts out her hand. "Selena Parker." Selena says shaking her hand. "I am Special Agent Timothy McGee." the blond-haired man says as he holds out his hand. Selena shakes his hand. "Selena Parker." she says. The gray-haired man is looking suspiciously between the director and the young woman she just introduced. Then he gets up out of his chair and walks towards the group of people. He extends his hand out to the young woman. "Special Agent Gibbs." he says as she shakes it. "Selena Parker." she says. They let go of each other's hands. "I have a meeting I need to attend to and I was wondering if anyone could give her a tour." Jenny says. "I can give her the tour." Agent DiNozzo says. "No. You've got work to do." Agent Gibbs says. Agent DiNozzo opens his mouth to say something but Selena quickly steps in. "It's okay. It can wait. I have work to do anyways." she says. Gibbs looks at her curiously. "Have you got somewhere for me to sit?" she asks Gibbs. Gibbs looks around, but all the desks in the office are occupied. All except one. The one that is standing between him and Ziva's desks. "Yeah, you can sit there." he says as he points towards the empty desk. "Thanks." she says. He nods and he walks back towards his desks. The other three just stand there and look at each other with a confused look on their faces. Gibbs sits down and looks at them. "Well, what are you all waiting for?" he asks them. They quickly get back towards their desks and start to work again. Selena turns to Jenny. "Well, that's settled then. I will be back around noon." Jenny says and she starts to walk away. "Jenny wait." Selena says. Jenny turns around. "Aren't you forgetting something?" she asks with her arms crossed. Jenny raises her eyebrows. "The file." Selena says. "Oh, right the file." Jenny says as she opens her bag and gets it. Selena lets out a laugh and takes the file form her. "Good luck." she says to Jenny as she turns around and walks towards the desks Gibbs pointed her to. "You too." Jenny says and she walks to the elevator. Selena lets her bag fall to the floor and puts the file on the desks. She sits down and lets out a sigh. This is going to take a while.
Selena has been reading the file and collecting information for the past three and a half hours now. Jenny gave her her password so she could use the NCIS database, but she has gotten nowhere. She first suspected the wife, like the other agents did, because she works with metals at a jewelry shop. But the wife has no motive. So then she suspected Petty Officer Vengel. He had the motive and the means, but the interrogation the agents had with him proved otherwise. So she to was now back at square one. Selena lets out a frustrating sigh. Her phone rings and she picks it up. "Selena Parker." she says with a hint of irritation in her voice. "Hey, Selena." director Shepard says. "How is it going?" she asks. "Well, not that good, I've come to the same conclusion your agents have come." Selena says. "Well, then it's good that I've just got a new clue." Jenny says. Selena sits up straight. "What do you mean?" she asks. "Well, I've just got a call from Abby, our-"
"Forensic Scientist. Yeah, I know." Selena interrupts her. "She told me that Lieutenant Johnson's phone started vibrating. She is coming up to bring it to you as we speak." Jenny continues. Selena smiles. "How was the meeting?" she asks. "Get something off of that phone." Jenny says and then she hangs up. Selena closes her phone and puts it down. A woman wearing a black shirt with skulls and red hearts on it, a black skirt that reaches above her knees with a red belt, big chunky boots, a chocker, and a white lab coat with NCIS stamped on it at the chest, is walking towards the squad room. She has bangs and the rest of her hair is in two ponytails which each have a little red bow on the elastic. "Abby, what are you doing here?" Gibbs asks when he sees her. "I am looking for Selena Parker." Abby says. "That would be me." Selena says as stands up. "It's very nice to meet you, Miss Sciuto. I've heard a lot of great things about you." Selena says with a big smile as she extends her hand to Abby. Abby just looks at her a bit suspiciously and doesn't take the hand. Selena drops her hand back to her side. "Jenny told me you got something for me." Selena says. "Yeah, uh, here you go." Abby says as she hands her an evidence bag with a phone in it. "Thanks." Selena says as she takes it. Abby also hands her a pair of gloves. "You will need to wear gloves and I figured since you're new you didn't have any yet." she says. "Thank you Miss Sciuto. But I am not new here. I am just helping with a case, that's all." Selena says. Abby lets out a relieved breath. Selena sits back down and looks at the phone. Abby just stands there looking a bit awkwardly to the floor. "Is there something wrong Abbs?" Gibbs asks. Selena looks up, not noticing the woman was still standing there. "Well, someone needs to sign for the chain of custody." Abby says. "That's not a problem, do you have a pen?" Selena asks Abby. Abby takes out a pen of her chest pocket. "Actually, somebody from this agency needs to sign it." Abby says. "That can be arranged." Selena says as she holds out her hand. Abby frowns but gives her the pen. Since everyone in the squad room could hear the conversation, they've all stopped working and are looking at Selena with a frown or confused look as she signs the evidence bag. She hands back the pen to Abby. "Wait, what did you just do?" Abby asks with wide eyes. "I signed for the chain of custody." Selena says. "But someone from the agency needed to sign it." Abby sputters a bit angrily. "And somebody did." Selena says. "What do you mean?" Abby asks still angry. Selena holds up the bag and Abby takes a step closer so she can read it. Her eyes widen and she looks at Selena shocked. "How did you do that?" she asks Selena. "Do what?" Gibbs asks. "She just forced Director Shepards signature." Abby says. Gibbs looks at Selena and studies her. The rest of the squad room look at each other with confused looks on their faces. "Director Shepard just called me and told me I could sign it with her signature." Selena lies. "Hm." Abby says as she narrows her eyes. Then she turns around and walks away. Selena shakes her head with a big smile on her face. She likes Abby already. Selena puts on the gloves and then she opens the bag. She gets out the phone and opens it. 'You have 1 text message' it says. 'Why weren't you there?' it reads. Selena clicks on a button to see who sent it. She frowns. It's an e-mail message forwarded from an Internet account. The e-mail address is DaveSmith@concealmail.com. That's not the e-mail account Lieutenant Johnson used on his laptop. Selena grabs her own phone and calls Jenny. "Director Shepard." Jenny says. "Lieutenant Johnson got a text message." Selena says. "'Why weren't you there?' the message says." she says as she reads the message again. "Who sent it?" Jenny asks. "It's an e-mail message." Selena says. "How can an e-mail message show up on a phone?" Jenny asks. Selena lets out a small laugh. "You are getting old Jenny." she says with a big smile. "This e-mail message is forwarded from an Internet account that shows up as a text message on his cell phone." she explains. Jenny doesn't say anything. "I can set up my Internet account so that if somebody e-mails me on my computer and I'm not there, the e-mail will automatically be forwarded to my cell phone." Selena explains so that Jenny can understand. "Well, the e-mail account that this was forwarded from is DaveSmith@concealmail.com. That's not Lieutenant Johnson's e-mail account on his laptop. But he could've opened an account on another computer." Selena says. "Under an assumed name?" Jenny asks. "Anybody can." Selena answers. "Okay so get in that account." Jenny says. "Well, you'll have to get a search warrant for the servers." Selena says with a small evil smile. "Well, we don't have that much time." Jenny says. "I could always hack into the servers if that's what you want me to do, but that would be illegal director." Selena says. "Just do it." Jenny says. "With pleasure ma'am." Selena says and she closes her phone. She puts the Lieutenant's phone back into the bag and throws her gloves in the trashcan. She clears her desk a bit so she can put her laptop on it. She grabs her bag and puts it on her lap. She opens it and takes her laptop out of it. She lets her bag fall back onto the floor and opens her laptop. "Okay, here we go." she says and she starts typing really fast.
Another two hours later and Selena has successfully hacked into the servers. She reads the e-mails that the Lieutenant has been sending. Their love letters. The letters are sent to an Aaron Fahrney. Selena frowns. So the Lieutenant is married to a woman, but he is sending love letters to a man. Does the wife know and is that the reason she made a D-link out of aluminum? Selena's eyebrows shoot up and her eyes widen. Aluminum is lighter than steel, which would have made the D-link lighter than the real one. Lieutenant Johnson was an experienced climber so why didn't he notice the difference? Selena looks at her watch. There is an hour left until touchdown. Selena quickly stands up. "Do any of you know where I can find Special Agent Clayton?" she asks as she starts to put the file back together. "Yeah, I can take you to him." McGee says as he starts to stand up. "No, sit, and continue working. I'll take her." Gibbs says and he gets up and starts walking. Selena closes the file and takes it with her as she follows Gibbs. He walks past the elevator and turns left. They walk past many silver colored doors. He takes a few other turns and they walk into a similar office space from where they just came. There are also a few cubicles and two squad rooms. Gibbs walks towards one of them and Selena follows. "Agent Gibbs, what brings you here?" an agent wearing a blue suit asks. He has brown hair, green eyes, and a mustache. Gibbs takes a step to the side so he can see Selena. Selena steps forward and holds out her hand. "Selena Parker." she says as he shakes her hand. "Yeah, director Shepard told us you might be able to help us with the case. I am Special Agent Harold Clayton." he says. Selena looks at Gibbs. "Thank you for taking me to him Special Agent Gibbs." she says and he nods. Selena turns around and puts the file on Agent Clayton's desk. "So Lieutenant Johnson got a e-mail message forwarded from his Internet account. The e-mail address linked to that Internet account wasn't the same e-mail address he was using on his laptop. So I hacked into the serves and I found out that he was e-mailing with someone named Aaron Fahrney. The e-mails they were sending to each other were love letters." Selena says to Agent Clayton. "Love letters?" Agent Clayton asks. "Yep. Love letters." Selena says. "Do you think the wife knew about this?" Agent Clayton asks. "Well, she now has a good motive and she has the means because she works with metals at a jewelry shop. But that's when another thought occurred to me. The fake D-link is made out of aluminum which is lighter than steel. But if Lieutenant Johnson was an experienced climber, then why didn't he notice it?" Selena asks. "You think he did it himself?" Agent Clayton asks. "Well, yeah maybe. One of your agents wrote down in a report that Lieutenant Johnson was sleeping on the couch. What if his wife found out and confronted him about it and he felt guilty and couldn't live with what he did anymore. I mean he was religious right?" Selena says. Agent Clayton nods his head. "Well let's pay Mrs Johnson another visit." Agent Clayton says so his team can hear him. The other two members of his team stand up and start to walk to the elevator. "We will let you know more when we come back." he says and then quickly goes after the rest of his team. Selena turns around and bumps into Gibbs. "Oh Agent Gibbs, I didn't know that you were still here." she says. Gibbs looks at her suspiciously. Then he turns around and starts to walk back towards the other office area. Selena trails a few steps behind him. When Selena walks past the elevator the doors open. Jenny steps out of the elevator. "Hey Selena." Jenny says as she sees the young woman. "Jenny." she says. "Did you find anything?" Jenny asks as she steps out of the elevator and starts walking towards the stairs. "Yeah, I found something and I told it to Agent Clayton. He and his team are on their way now to ask some more questions to Mrs. Johnson." Selena says. "Great, thank you." Jenny says as they stop in front of the squad room. "I have one more meeting in twenty minutes and then I am done for the day." Jenny says. "Okay great." Selena says. "Goodluck with your meeting." she says as she turns around and walks towards the desk she was sitting on. "Thanks." Jenny says and she walks to and up the stairs to her office. Selena lets out a big sigh as she sits down.
An hour later Agent Clayton walks towards Gibbs's squad room, suspecting Selena will be there. "Hey Miss Parker." he says when he sees her. "Hello Agent Clayton." she says. "I came her to tell you that you were right. It was suicide." he says. She nods. "Thank you for helping us out. I don't know if we would've solved it in time without you." he says as he holds out his hand. "Your welcome." she says as she stands up and shakes his hand. They let go and Agent Clayton walks back towards his desk to do the paperwork. "Uhm... Miss Parker, I couldn't help but overhear you earlier." Agent McGee says as he gets up and walks over to her. "But you hacked into the server?" he asks. "Yes I did." she says. "Did you go after the sockets or the firewall itself?" he asks. Selena raises her eyebrows. "Firewall. I tried to authenticate." she says. "APG or keystroke capture?" he asks. "I tried APG but the admin had limits on how many times you could go in." she says. "How did you cover your tracks?" he asks. "I put in a program bot which called another host infected with a similar bot and-" she starts. "And so on and so on and so on." he finishes. "Until it reaches the remote." she says. "And afterward it self-destructed?" he asks. "Yeah, but before it did the bot knew what files to delete from the host system so it could delete the logs." she says. "Would you look at that. You've found a buddy McGeek." DiNozzo says with a laugh as he gets up and walks over to them. "What's that supposed to mean?" Selena asks. "Just ignore him." McGee says. She nods. "It's quite impressive." DiNozzo says as he sits on her desk. "What do you mean?" Selena asks. "Just you solving a case." DiNozzo says. "What you didn't think I could do it?" Selena asks him with her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed. "You're like what twenty-five? And never solved a case before?" he says with a small smile. "Twenty-three actually. And yes I've solved cases before." she says. "Really?" he asks unimpressed. "Yeah, I helped Jenny out a couple of times when she asked for my help." she says. "Oh ho, Jenny." he says with a laugh and a big smile. "Leave her alone DiNozzo." Gibbs says as he walks into the squad room and sits down at his desk. "Just having a friendly conversation boss." he says as his face turns serious and he returns to his desk. A smile spreads across Selena's face. McGee smiles at her as he walks back towards his desk.
When Jenny is finished with her meeting she comes down the stairs and nods to Selena. Selena grabs her stuff and swings her bag over her shoulder. "It was very nice to meet you all." Selena says as she walks towards Jenny. "Until next time." she says and she walks to the elevator together with Jenny. "Bye." they say as Selena walks away. Jenny and Selena get into the elevator and Selena says something that makes Jenny laugh. Gibbs watches them. Who is this girl? And why is she so close with Jenny? The elevator doors close and Gibbs is left to wonder.

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4673 words

Till Death Do Us Part ||NCIS|| (♡Tony DiNozzo)Where stories live. Discover now