Pulling Pony Tails

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Saffron rolled over, the morning sunlight assaulting her and waking her up, as she rolled over she couldn't help but wonder if the Queen did that on purpose. Saffron sighed in defeat and she tried to go back to sleep, that's when a group of maids quickly and quietly entered the train cart.

There were about 3 of them and they were whispering to one another about something. Saffron hid her head under a pillow and watched them walk over to where Comet was sleeping, she cocked an eyebrow as they gently shook him awake.

He grunted and sat up rubbing his eyes, the maid just quietly fought about who should tell him."Uh, what's wrong." He yawned, stretching out his toes, Saffron watched the maids look at one another and then after a little bit of time and some glares one stepped forward. "Well you see, Lemon breeze went into the King and Queens room." The maid quietly admitted, Comet just raised an eyebrow and another maid raised a hand. "They're not getting up, and without Lavender we don't know how to get them up without getting the king grumpy." The maid's words trailed off and all the maids murmured to one another, Saffron exaggerated a fake yawn as she stood up.

They turned to look at Saffron as she chuckled and smiled at them, Saffron could see Comet rolled his eyes. "Sounds like you need someone who's close to the king." Saffron boasted flicking her tail, the maids all looked at one another, and after Comet let out a groan they collectively shrugged. "Just wait, i'll get him up." Saffron smiled as she made her way down the cart.

Comet sprung out of bed and ran up behind her, she just looked back and grinned at him. "Are you sure this is a good idea considering what happened?" Comet questioned as Saffron made her way through the different carts, but on him asking this question she stopped and turned around to look at him. "What do you mean?" Saffron asked with sarcasm dripping from every word and giving him a look.

She knew what he was referring to but considering the conversation she had with Flame last night, she felt they could all just pretend that Saffron hadn't assaulted someone. Comet must have gotten the drift for he just squared his jaw and gestured to keep walking, Saffron nodded her head and went on down to the last car on the train.

Saffron pulled open the door and when Comet walked in she hopped in and shut the door with a thud. She turned and was shocked at the size of the bed. It took up most of the train car and it barely could handle the two of them, the King's tail hung off the edge and one of the Queen's hooves was sticking out the other side. Saffron had always noticed the absolute size of that dragon, but it never really hit her until now. Saffron walked forward and quietly cleared her throat, neither of them moved.

Saffron looked over to get some help from Comet but the way he stood there, he seemed uncomfortable just being in there. "What's your problem?" Saffron questioned Comet in a whisper, he just looked at her with wide eyes. "The pheromones in here, they're strong." Comet shivered stepping back towards the door, Saffron sniffed the air but all she could smell was Flame's cologne.

Saffron shook her head and walked back over to the bed, she lightly tugged on the Kings tail and he pulled it under the blankets with a grunt. "King Flame, it's time to get up." Saffron whispered with a smile, there was a small rustle under the blankets and a piece of Sundrops tail flopped out from the blankets.

Saffron watched as it swayed lazily from under the blankets, the Queen was taunting her in her sleep. Saffron wrinkled her nose and she stamped her foot in anger, she grabbed the corner of the blanket and pulled on it but a firm claw kept it covering the two sleeping royals.

Saffron grumbled to herself and turned to ask Comet for help but the second she made eye contact with him he just shook his head. Saffron mumbled to herself and turned back to the situation. "Sir, the train is going to arrive at the station in 30 minutes. You need to get ready." Saffron tried to bargain but still no reaction from the two, she sighed and turned to the curtains hanging over the windows.

An idea popped into her head and she immediately drew all the curtains, the sunlight flooded the car and dust danced in the morning sunbeams. Saffron smiled to herself and stood at the foot of the bed once again. "Flame please, you have an appearance to make at 8." Saffron cooed tapping on the bed with her hoof, she watched Flame roll over and cover his face with a pillow and she felt her confidence rise.

Saffron smiled to herself as she watched Flame stretch out his legs, she turned to the Queen who was still wrapped up in her blankets. Saffron mumbled and tried to pull the blankets off of her, but just like before they wouldn't budge. Saffron being full of herself grabbed the swaying tail and tugged, she's had her tail pulled before so she made sure not to pull hard.

The sudden pull made the Queen let out a shrill whinny and her leg shot out from under the covers, it hit one of the bed posts and a chunk of wood flew off and hit the wall. Saffron immediately ducked out of the shot and hit the floor, she shut her eyes and opened just one when there was silence. Saffron lifted up her head and laid eyes on a very angry Queen and sitting next to her, an annoyed King.

"I'm sorry, I thought I grabbed the covers but I must have grabbed your tail with it." Saffron apologized, dipping into a low bow as she bit her lip. She was just praying they took the bait, and when she heard a heavy sigh she felt her muscles relax. "Get out of our room." The Queen demanded, Saffron immediately got up and bolted for the door.

Comet quickly followed her and the two took a sigh of relief as they sat in the next cart over, Saffron looked around at Flame's office and sighed. She couldn't believe she just pulled her tail like that. She felt like a little kid, she just reached out and did it. Saffron felt conflicted, she felt like she should feel ashamed but she wasn't. She felt empowered at teasing the Queen like that, she felt like a bully who was on the teachers side. That's what scared her, the fact that it felt natural and almost safe. 

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