"It's a kinda private place so no one could find you here" I said touching the water "it's beautiful" Sawyer said while looking in Emily's eyes.. "you guys are the only one that knows this even exists and I wanna keep it like that.." they nodded and both promised secretly... we sat down and I started to make a lyric... maybe a new song... I was singing the first lyrics really soft "ur making a song?" Sawyer asked and I nodded "pretty cool" Emily said and I smiled.... I drank a little of a bang and the lyric just came... "can you sing a little?" I nodded and sang
"One moment we're broken and then we're fine
"He called you back?" "Wait, wasn't he mine?"
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
Lost in the puzzle of the teenage mind" I sang and Sawyer and Emily were both shook "wait what... what's wrong?" I asked standing up "it's just- who's the song about?" Sawyer asked and I laughed "no one plus all my other songs are about different people" then Emily said "who's true love about then " they both looked at me... I looked in the sky "oh look it's starting" I sat down and we all watched the sunset a little... it was a magical moment cause I was with them.. I putted my hood off and my hair flew and I putted my glasses off... and then this happened... Sawyer said "Emily look!!" He said and pointed at me... and then I felt my body move... I looked down and the ground was from my feet.. the sun was shining to me and this crown appeared on my head... and a dress... and then I saw this bug vision in my eyes.... it showed... me when I was a baby and then I saw 2 people a woman that picked me up and said.. "don't worry you will be the greatest queen ever.." and then people appeared and the woman gave me to A gard I think and said "bring my daughter in safety" I'm her daughter???? And then the gard bringed me to my mom and said "let her know ur her mom and feed her up in safety" and then th vision left and the person who said was my mom appeared on the screen saying "we miss you" and then the crown disappeared and I fell down and Sawyer catches me... and we looked up and saw the crown going the way from the sun and then it formed a logo and then it disappeared... "don't tell me you guys didn't see the woman saying she's my mom" I said what made them nod "does that mean ur a princess..." Emily said "wtf just happened..." I said and then my hair glow up...it then stopped and I looked pretty scared "let's just go home and talk about it alone with us three..." Sawyer said... I nodded and we got into the car and then I said "what if you guys mean something cause you guys the hair was also glowing and you guys also had crowns" I said "omg yea..." Emily said... we drove to the house "is it that why my eye color changed... because of that.." I said and they nodded we grabbed everything.... and we stepped out of the car... we walked to the door and I opened it... and someone immediately said "ur hair.." I looked up and saw everyone "ur eyes... and Emily ur eyes.... and ur hair.... Sawyer ur eyes..." piper said... "I can't explain..." I said... "where were you guys?" Lev asked... I then looked at sophie she was holding hands with... Jentzen and when she saw I was looking she let go... "Sophia?" Lev said... "oh yea uhm we went sunset watching..." I said looking at sophie for a sec and then looking at Lev "oh I wish I came too" I smiled and nodded and then said "well I need to go to my room" and I fake yawned and side playfully slapped Sawyer and Emily and they got it and they said the same and we went in Emily's room... "okay what just happened it not normal.." Sawyer said "yea I know.." we all nodded... "open the window maybe there's still a little of the sun and Sawyer Lock the door.." they nodded and when Sawyer was done she opened the window and out of nowhere we all were flying in her room with crowns on our head "Sophia and Sawyer... we calling our children that..." the woman said "who's the oldest?" A man asked "well Sophia is by 10 seconds so she will be queen." Everyone clapped there hands in a hall and then a woman walked in with her man and another baby... "queen mariana hi.. wanted to visit you after ur birth and ur children are beautiful!" The woman said to the my "mom" "aww and who is this cutie!!" My "mom" said to a baby she was holding "this is Emily... she will be queen" and then people started fighting and we three were being told to bring us to a save place.. "bring them to earth" wait what I'm from a different planet.... and then we fell to Emily's room ground... Sawyer looked at me and I looked at him "twins.." he said... and I said "twins.." and we hugged and Emily was just crying "I wanna see my real mom!!! My life is a lie!!" She said.. "our life's are lies" I said and we hugged and then these letters came in the air saying " go back to your first parents and asked them the teleport and come home" and then it disappeared "I need to go back to Australia.." I said and Emily then said "great me too!!" Sawyer nodded "me too my parents are there for vacation" we looked at each and nodded... we walked down the stairs and everyone was there... "guys we need to talk." I said... and we all sat in the living room... "maybe mom should talk.." Sawyer said to me.... I nodded "wait what?" Lev said... Emily opened the window and sat back down... and then this 2 ladies and beautiful dresses and a really big crown appeared and 2 men appeared but I think you can't touch them and everyone's mouth dropped... "I'm queen Mariana from Ephedia." The woman said with long pink hair it was sooooooo pretty "I'm king Harry from Ephedia." And then the other pair speaks "I'm queen Sabrina of Xeris" and then the man speaked "I'm jack king of Xeris" everyone's mouth dropped "were looking for our children."queen Sabrina said... "Mom?" I heard Emily say little... and the woman turned around and saw Emily she looked at Emily and the man immediately said "Emily!!! Sweetie!!" And they tried to hug but they couldn't...  "we just miss our children.." queen Mariana said... and then someone walked in... my parents and Sawyer parents "weren't you guys in Australia?" Sawyer said.. "shush Mariana you told us you would of waited with this." Sawyers mom said "I know but I missed my children it's been 17 years" hold the fuck up "I'm 17?" I said standing up.. and the woman looked at me and said "princess Sophia." She looked at me for a while and she said "invisibility cut." And then she got on the ground and held my cheek and hugged me... I felt her hair and man that's soft.... and I think when she was hugging me she saw Sawyer... "Sawyer sweetie..." and she hugged him and he hugged back and I waved to my dad... he smiled... "okay now that i have hugged you guys... meet your sister and your little sister!!" I looked at Sawyer with open eyes... and I looked at everyone "okay" I said and then this little girl and this cute dress walked in and said "mom I can't find Anna" and she looked up and ran to my dad and said "dad what's mommy doing?" He laughed "look at Sawyer and Sophia!!" That girl looked at us and jumped "OMG HIIII!!" And I smiled and waved and then this beautiful girl walked in and said "krystal stop screaming so hard!!" And she saw Sawyer and me and said "lil bro lol sis?" And my mom nodded "ahh cool!! I'm Saxon your sister" I was pretty confused "she's first born why do I need to be queen then?" She laughed "well I didn't wanted to be a queen so now it is you" and I nodded..."so Sophia is a princess?" Lev asked and my mom nodded "cool so what am I then nothing?" I laughed "yea ur nothing." Everyone laughed and then my dad said "you guys need to come back soon.. ur mom doesn't wanna be a queen anymore soon so Sophia you need to earn your self and come sit on the troon." He said "wait why do I need to come?" Sawyer asked and my mom said "ur gonna marry and Choose a own paleize- isn't that princes sophie from utopia?" My mom said pointing at sophie..." and my dad said "I think she is wait here I'm going to get Ronald." My dad came back after a few with a men and a woman and.... and then sophie her hair glow up and her eye color changed to dark green and her hair changed to really light brown and this crown came on her head... "sophie sweetie.... invisibility cut" and she immediately hugged Sophie... "princess piper from rexo isn't it." Sophie's mom said "wait what." Piper said...

After a while we were all just sitting down.... "so uh Sophia how are you with Jentzen?" Lev asked and I rolled my eyes "he has a girlfriend" I said smiling and lev then said "omg yay you guys made up!!" I laughed "nope it's not me.." I said looking away "wait what" Lev said looking at Jentzen "Sophia it was a prank we weren't kissing we have it on video" he said and I just nodded.... our parents already left...

Its been a year

Today is my coronation day!! I'm a singer and actor on the normal world but I'm going to be queen in Ephedia... Jentzen and me.... we're engaged... sophie is dating James and amber is dating my ex Easton but I was totally fine with it!! And yea.... I was wearing this

 I was wearing this

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I walked in the hall and everyone looked at me

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I walked in the hall and everyone looked at me.. I putted my hair on my back air and they said "PRINCESS SOPHIA OF EPHEDIA" and everyone clapped while I was walking...

"Now ur queen Sophia of Ephedia!" They called out and putted the crown on my head

"Now ur queen Sophia of Ephedia!" They called out and putted the crown on my head

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

And everyone cheered....

Who's the dad?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ