Part 10

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The room smelled heavily of food and sweat. There were some other odors that wafted through the air however they were indistinguishable. Somewhere nice smells, other smells were horrific. Nonetheless, I still loved this place. At least I had up until this point. I looked around trying to remember what had happened. Whose birthday was I at? Was it mine? Yeah, I think it was my birthday party... I sat at the head of a table while a bunch of kids surrounded me and sang happy birthday. One of the animatronics from the stage came over to sing with. Nyx Nightingale was her name. Normally Pandy the Panda would have sung the birthday song, however, I noticed that she was missing from the stage that day. Then I blew out the candles and opened the presents. Everyone kind of went their separate ways, after I was done, to go play, leaving me to myself. Ever since Lilly moved away, I hadn't really made any more friends. I didn't really even want this party, but my mother had set it all up. So of course with no one to play with I was left on my own. I stayed in the main room for a little bit but got bored and decided to go look for something to do. Just remembering my best friend had upset me... I missed her. As I passed Bounce, Leo, Cora, and Fiona's room I started to cry. I wish I could have said goodbye. I wish I could have gone to her birthday party. Then maybe she would have stayed... Almost as if to answer my cries, as I walked down a hallway I noticed a door cracked open. It was a door to one of the locked rooms, it was labeled "Maintenance Room Authorized Personnel Only". At first, I was just going to walk past the room, but then I got a little curious and decided to take a small peek. I peeked into the room and noticed there were a lot of shelves with tools on it. It was a small room, however, there was a lot in it. There was a large control switch on the wall to my right, as well as some kind of charging station up against the back wall. Right in the center of the room however, there was a large bench. The only interesting thing to me in the room was the large bear-shaped figure on the bench. I could have sworn that the room had lights on, but yet my vision was dim. I tried getting a bit closer to see it better, but it was still just as dark. Something about what I was looking at started to make me cry. I wasn't scared, but a memory I could not remember flooded my head. As I started to cry, the animatronics that was sitting on the bench woke up. Its voice sounded muffled, but yet I could remember a few of the words.

"Heyo there small child. Want seems to be the matter?"

The robot moved in jerky motions. As it turned towards me one of its paws went across my face. I started to have blood running down my cheeks. The claws on this large animatronic head ripped into my face. My vision became even blurrier. The pain was Unreal. The animatronic let out another set of muffled words.

"Oh don't cry. It'll be ok"

This is the part I have been trying to get too. This is the part I was trying to remember. I looked up and suddenly the large figure lunged at me. I looked over to the side to see a human-like figure. Was it an employee? There was a scream that was done let out. Was it mine? As the scene started to fade to black I noticed that the human employee had something distinct to her look. Purple eyes and purple hair?... Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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