Part 3

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          I walked up to the entrance to the location. I could feel my heart starting to increase in speed as I walked closer to the door. It was going to be ok, I thought as I reached for the handle. On the door handle was a letter with my name on it. I grabbed the letter, then preceded to open the door and walk in. As soon as I walked in, I wanted to leave. There was a cool breeze that washed over my face. The lights were off, so the place was dark. When the lights were on this place looked magical and alive. Now, there was a sense of dread, fear, and emptiness. "Well, there's no turning back now," I muttered to myself, trying my best not to turn around and leave. I looked down at the letter and opened it. Inside was a letter which read,

Dear Leo,

I figure you know your way around. Come to my office. Hopefully, you'll feel safe here. I know its quite different after hours, but you'll get used to it.

Mr. Afton

The letter felt strange. It was written on the back of a kids coloring page of the Wolf mascot. It was also written in sloppy handwriting, in crayon. I looked up and put the paper in my pocket. Guess I was heading to the manager's office. I looked up to see two hallways and one of the many room entrances. The room to my left was Ollie's room. It was boarded up due to the accident with the kid. The hallway to the right lead to the main show stage, some party rooms, and the bathrooms. The hallway straight in front of me leads to the bigger party rooms, the arcade, and another hallway which would lead to the office. Even though I had not been here in a while, I still remembered some of the layouts. Right when I was about to walk down the hallway in front of me, I heard a noise down the right hallway. When I turned to look I swore I saw someone on disappear into one of the party rooms. But the place was empty, it must have been my mind playing tricks on me. Though it was my job to make sure the place was clear so I might as well take a moment to check it out.

As I walked down the hallway I passed the bathroom, a door labeled "The Maintenance Room," and 4 of the party rooms. Peeking into the party rooms, nothing seemed out of order, though it was hard to tell with how dark it was. As I walked past the party rooms, I thought I had heard a noise behind me, but when I turned around, it was an empty hallway. "Get a hold of yourself." I muttered, "You're just being paranoid."

I then instinctively walked into the main showroom. This is where the non-reservation guests went. The room was very different then I last remembered it. Walking into this room was like walking into a wonderland. It felt like anything could happen and dreams could be a reality. This place had not aged well. The room had nine tables with colored table cloth, each table had a set of six chairs. I wandered through the tables to get to the stage. It was a huge stage about to hold eight performing animatronics and also leads to the kitchen and a storage room. It used to be a bright colored stage with blue and purple curtains. When I got to the stage I almost cried. What was once a beautiful performing platform for lovable characters, was now such a sad sight. The curtains were a bit ripped at the edges and had holes in parts. The stage is self was rotting and some planks were discolored. The lights where the robots stood were the only lights on, but were faded and not very bright. It was truly a sad sight. It used to be magic and now the place looked like it was in pain.

I slowly made my way onto the stage and it was worse than on the floor. There were boards missing, and I almost fell through the floor. Some of the stage lights were outright broken. The doors to the two back rooms had seen better days. The storage room door was only hanging off one hinge. I sighed then remembered that I needed to get to the office. I jumped off the stage and started down the hallway. After passing down many hallways I had turned down the hallway that housed one hallway to the night guards room, a door to a room that was almost always locked and never opened, and the manager's office. As I walked up to the office I heard a whirring and grinding noise. Like a machine that had not been oiled or cleaned in a long time. I walked up to the door and heard someone talking. Carefully I knocked on the door.

Nyx Nightingale's Nightman, a Fanf Fan StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang