Imagine: Getting your septum pierced with Michael

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Michael asked, hand clasped around Y/N's while his green eyes locked into her face. The nerves were evident, but she had been determined to get her septum pierced for months.

She had worked up the courage the night before, and contacted her friend, who contacted their cousin, who booked an appointment for the next morning. To say she was scared was an understatement.

She had a large fear of needles. Tattoos, piercings, vaccinations, injections. Everything. She couldn't do it on her own. Michael had even sat by her side when she got her first tattoo. Now, he was right there with her as she considered the cartilage piercing.

"If I don't do it now, then I'll never do it," she breathed, cringing as she willed her mind to be calm. She pushed out a deep breath, turning to Mike with a smile and a squeeze of his larger hand in hers. "After all, it's gonna look fucking sick."

A rumbling chuckle left his chest and he nods his head, "then shall we?"

Y/N walked forward, grasping the door handle with her shaky right hand, the one not holding Michael. She pulled her left hand from his, waving it towards the door. "After you, kind sir."

Her cheeks flamed as Michael winked, strutting into the parlor.

"Y/N? Here for your 11 o'clock?" The woman behind the counter was a sight to behold. A black loop was threaded through a tiny hole below her bottom lip, standing out against her pale skin. Her hair was stained a bright blue.

"Yes ma'am, that's me," Y/N cringed, accepting a pen and clipboard to fill out the consent form.

"Have you eaten this morning?" The woman, Claire as her name tag read, asked.

Y/N nodded her confirmation, accepting a mandatory juice box to ensure her blood sugar wasn't too low, and she didn't pass out.

Her feet were shaking as she entered the small room behind Claire, who now wore a mask as blue as her hair.

Michael followed close behind, light glinting from the black bar in his eyebrow, and a comforting grin on his face. Y/N hadn't released his hand since they started their walk into the piercing room.

She assumed her position on the bed, holding Michael's hand tightly and eyeing the silver needle being unpackaged and cleaned in front of her.

She knew very well that if she hadn't have downed the juice, she would be feeling very faint. Claire has earned herself a spot on Y/N's list of 'Top 10 people who deserve a cake'.

"How are you feeling, Y/N? Nervous? You look like you've seen a ghost." The words came from behind Claire's mask, but her eyes read a polite smirk. Y/N laughed airily alongside the piercer, refusing to look at the needle that would soon be piercing her nose.

"Oh, I'm feeling fine! My Trypanophobia and my extreme desire to get my septum pierced is loving this right now! There's a party going on inside of my head!"

"I can't tell you how often I hear that in a week," Claire shook her head, pulling out a sterile wipe to clean the area. "Okay, you ready?"

Y/N looked at Michael with fear in her eyes, but determination quickly washed over the emotion.

"You can do this. I'm right here with you," He whispered to her, squeezing her hand softly.

Y/N smiled at him, nodding her head at Claire to signal her assurance.

"You two are so cute. My girlfriend is scared of needles so she won't come with me to get any done!" Y/N grinned at Claire, closing her eyes as she felt fingers adjust her head to position the needle.

A heavy sigh was pushed out of her mouth, and she gripped Michael's hand so tightly that she heard him hiss in pain.

"Okay, on the count of three: one," the needle went in, causing Y/N to grit her teeth at the pain that lasted barely five seconds. "Two, three."

Claire finished up the piercing, threading a silver loop through the hole and spraying it to finish the disinfection process.

Y/N stood on her feet, stumbling to the mirror with Michael's hand still clenched in hers. She adored the addition of the shiny ring.

She grinned at Michael with wide eyes, "I never thought i would be so happy with a piece of metal in my skin!"

He laughed at her, kissing her lips softly when she leaned closer to him. "It looks amazing, I'm proud of you." Claire disposed of her gloves and mask and went through the aftercare with Y/N before Michael spoke again. "Now that that is done, I think you broke my hand. Hospital?"

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