Lover of Mine - A. Irwin

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They had only been together for a few months - Ten months, twelve days, 4 hours and 9 minutes to be exact - but everyday Y/N would wake expecting a message of goodbye from her lover, or an empty bed.

She couldn't help the thoughts. She was just built that way.

The conversations in her head would get old quickly. I wonder if he still wants me. He's a rockstar, he could have anybody. Why isn't he sick of me yet?

Lover of mine, maybe we'll take some time.

He was distanced, more than she was. She refused to ask any questions for fear of rejection, so she let her admiration of him cloud her peripheral.

She had tunnel vision for him, and she wouldn't want it any other way.

Ashton adored the woman who often shared his bed. Many nights spent laughing until their sides would ache, or talking about things he would usually keep secret.

He knew where his heart belonged, he was just scared of giving it to her completely.

Both of them had been burnt too many times in the past but, while Ashton hides his heart beneath a suit of armor, Y/N wears hers on her sleeve. She is blinded by her infatuation with the man she is happy to call hers.

Kaleidoscope mind gets in the way.

They're both so terrified of losing the other.

I hope and I pray, darling, that you will stay. Butterflies lies, chase them away.

Y/N knew that she was being ridiculous, but she couldn't help the jealousy she felt when Ashton was so open with others, and so closed with her. She couldn't help the countless nights spent staring at her form in the mirror questioning if she was good enough for her celebrity boyfriend.

She didn't know, but every she was in Ashton's arms, dancing around his lounge room, laughing at a joke, cuddling while watching a movie, sitting with him as he teaches her the drums; he was yearning to give her more.

More that she deserved. He just didn't want to lose her because of his busy lifestyle.

Dance around the living room, lose me in the sight of you

But then every time he would look into her eyes, his worries would melt away and he would want to give her everything.

He was just scared to see her leave.

Y/N had seen the positives and negatives of the limelight in her time with Ashton, and before that. She had been friends with Calum long before she was introduced to the drummer who caught her eye.

She knew a minority of the fans could be harsh, but she also knew that most of them simply wanted the guys to be happy.

She just couldn't help but think Ashton wasn't happy with her.

I've seen the red, I've seen the blue. Take all of me deep to where your secrets hide, where we've been a thousand times.

She felt as if there was so much she didn't know about her lover. But there was also so little he was comfortable telling her.

She didn't know much about his family, or his life before the band. Or his past relationships, or the causes for his trust issues. He figured if he told her, he would lose her.

Y/N was an open book with Ash. She gave her all to him, and she only wanted the same in return. But he was terrified.

I'll never give you away, 'cause I already made that mistake.

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