The Last Time - C. Hood: Part 2 for "The Moment I knew"

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He didn't intend to find himself facing the red door. The same door he helped paint, and the same door that is covered in uneven patches and brush strokes in every direction because she didn't want something too basic.

He knew it had to be as unique as the woman herself.

It was something nostalgic. He would knock on her door, she would greet him with a wide smile and a kiss. Every time up until he stopped showing up.

Until he stopped putting her first.

And until she stopped their relationship.

Find myself at your door
Just like all those times before
I'm not sure how I got there

His feet carried him unconsciously, the beers in his stomach working as liquid courage as he sucked in a deep breath.

Was she even home?

Would she answer? Even let him in?

The lights were all off, but there was a soft noise coming from inside as if the television was on.

She always loved to relax on the lounge in the dark with a bowl of popcorn.

All roads they lead me here

There was a possibility that she could be with somebody, the same way she would cuddle with him with a random movie playing as background noise. Something to break the quiet as they lost themselves in one another.

He didn't have the chance to brace himself to knock, because the small dog at his feet knew the house well.

He thought taking Duke for a walk would be a good idea, but the Corgi/cross had his own idea, as his paws began scratching at the messily painted door.

"Duke! No!" Calum whispered in a stern tone, pulling the dog into his arms and moving to walk away before she noticed they were there.

I imagine you are home
In your room, all alone

Just as he steps off her last step the door opens behind him. He pauses, waiting for it to slam at the sight of him.

Yet nothing comes.

"Calum," her voice trails off. There's more shock than malice. After all, it had been near a month since they had seen one another.

He turns to face her, and his world comes crashing down at the sight of her.

Her eyes bore into him and he feels frozen to the spot.

And right before your eyes
I'm breaking, no past
No reasons why
Just you and me

"Y/N," his voices comes out more choked than he intended and suddenly his emotions rush out.

Y/N had never seen her ex-boyfriend look so small.

Her 6" tall, Maori ex who is the toughest man she knew, and with one look in her eyes he was reduced to a sobbing mess with his small dog clutched to his chest with apologies falling from his lips.

She was pulling him up the two steps and into the house within seconds in hopes to not draw the attention of her neighbors.

She shouldn't have, but she did. She ushered him inside, taking duke from his arms and flicking the lights on.

"Calum?" She held his face on her hands, forcing him to look up at her. "Stop crying please, it's okay. You're okay. Just tell me what's wrong."

It took a few minutes of reassurance and a soft tone from Y/N before his sobs started to ease.

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