Baby, i'm cold - L. Hemmings

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"Where the hell do you think you are going, young man?" Y/N growled from underneath the mountain of blankets.

She hated the cold. Despised it even. She was at her grumpiest and most cuddly during winter. And Luke loved it.

He adored cuddling with his girlfriend underneath the large excess of blankets that seemed almost attached to her during the cold months.

Except, he had a lot of work to do for the new album, including much songwriting that he was currently behind on because he spent most of his time cuddling with his pooch and his girl.

"Babe," he groaned, feeling her smaller hands grab hold of his waist as he shifted out of bed. "It's 7:30. I've already slept in later than I planned to."

Ashton had organized a schedule for him to follow upon his request. Luke knew he was behind and he wanted to get on top of things, so he went to his self declared 'father' for assistance.

"No." She grumbled, pulling him closer with her eyes still closed. "I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."

"Have I told you how much harder you make my job?" He laughed, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek in hopes to distract her so he could move from the confines of her grip.

She made a loud shushing sound, still refusing to open her eyes no matter how much he squirmed.

"Lucas, all I am asking for is some cuddles and for you to sleep until a decent time. Stay."

"Darling, I promise, I will cuddle with you tomorrow. If I don't get some done today then I won't at all," he laughed, pressing a kiss to her pouted lips

She wasn't completely awake. She was dozing in and out, stirring every time he tried to pry her arms off of him.

Her arms were wrapped tight around him, and no matter how hard he tried she resisted.

The pout never left her face, even in the times she had dozed off.

Luke groaned, not finding it in himself to disturb her completely. "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this." He grumbled, crossing his arms as best he could with her limbs enclosed on his frame.

She made a noise in the back of her throat, barely acknowledging that he spoke as she was on the cusp of complete sleep.

Luke decided he had to do the only thing possible to keep both Y/N happy, and get done what he needs to get done.

He moved the blanket off of himself, and wrapped it around Y/N as best he could before slipping his legs to the side and pulling her into his lap.

He stood with her in a bridal hold and stalked out to the lounge room while she all but growled at him.

"What are you doing?" She hissed through a haze of weariness. "The bed is in there! We're letting the warmth escape! Luke!"

He shushed her, laughing as he walked.

He sat her on the lounge, and watched as she wrapped herself in the white comforter from their bed before he grabbed his computer and his song book and sat next to her.

She huffed at him and finally opened her eyes, although they were heavy with sleep.

"Come here, you can sit in my lap until I'm done working," he offered.

A small smile worker onto her face through the haze and he pulled her onto his lap and she sighed in content as she curled up and rested her head on his shoulder.

It wasn't long before she was fast asleep again and Luke was writing countless songs about the woman he loved.

Hey darlings, sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm slowly getting through requests both on here and on tumblr, and updating Vegas Lights! Go give it a read to satisfy my attention seeking?
Love you all!
~xoxo defensive_sarcasm17 xoxo~

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