Jaydrath Vadh

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Karna and Arjun return with Krishna in the Camp thier heartbeat were more fast then usual

Karna- Where is everyone

Arjun- Must be in the tents

Arjun asked soldier where are everyone soldier answered him that everyone are near medical camp

Arjun- what happend soldier Answer me

Soldier- Prince Arjun Prince Vrishsen and Abhimanyu

Arjun- What happend to them Madhav what happend to them

Karna- Keshav answer what happend to Vrishsen and Abhimanyu

Krishna was quiet Karna and Arjun rushed to the Medical camp Nakul and Shadev were treating Abhimanyu and Vrishsen Arjun and Karna reached to t1he Camp they were shocked to see their Sons Condition tears flow from thier eyes

Arjun- Who did this to Vrishsen and Abhimanyu

Nakul- Jaydrath his Son Surtha and Kauralavaya

Shadev- Jaydrath got a boon from Mahadev that he will be invincibel and Surtha has a boon from his Pitamah that he will be invincible in front of his opponents when he wants to be and Jaydrath will be defeated by you or Jyshat

Arjun- jyshat pls don't stop me today I will Kill Jaydrath and Entire Kaurava Army they will see my Anger today

Karna- I am with you today I will destroy them who Hurted our children they didn't show any mercy to our Children Nakul and Shadev treat our Sons Arjun let's go

Karna and Arjun take thier Horse and depart towards Kaurava Camp and attacked the camp behind them Bheem and Dhristdyumna went Soldiers tried to stop them but Arjun and Karna defeated them Soldiers do Shanknath and inform all the Maharathis when Jaydrath come out of his tent Arjun attacked him Shalya Dushasan and Surtha try to stop but Karna and Bheem stop them

Arjun- I will kill today Jaydrath

Duryodhan- Guru Drona stop Arjun right now

Drona- Putra Arjun stop

Arjun- No gurudev today I am not attacking as a warrior I am Attacking as father and who came between me and my revenge I will not leave him

Drona- Putra wait for Tommorow take your revenge leave him

Arjun leave him

Arjun- Jaydrath tommorow how will die no one can save you tommorow

Jaydrath- Or if I survive then

Arjun- Then I will end my life

Everyone go from thier

Jaydrath- Yuvraj Duryodhan you have to save me and my son from Karna and Arjun

Duryodhan- Don't worry jija Shri Jaydrath you are son in law of Hastinapur nothing will happen to you we will save you Gurudev tell me a Vyuh rachna to stop Karna and Arjun

Drona- No one can stop them because they are like injured Lions no one can stop them

Duryodhan- Gurudev just tell the Vyuh formation for tommorow

Drona- A single Vyuh can't stop them we need Multiple Vyuh's to stop them
1)Chakrashtak Vyuh
2)Suchimukh Vyuh
3) Padma Vyuh

Drona- A single Vyuh can't stop them we need Multiple Vyuh's to stop them 1)Chakrashtak Vyuh 2)Suchimukh Vyuh 3) Padma Vyuh

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