Flashback Love Story

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Kunti- Putra Karna tell me more about Vrishali

All his brothers tell us more about future Bhabhi Shri

Arjun- How you meet him

Karna Flashback

Mata after Lakshagrah incident I asked Pitamah on going Digvijay Yatra Pitamah give me permission to go I started Conquring Kingdoms many kingdom just accept the terms of Hastinapur after 4 years of War I reached Vindya It was not so Big not so Small Army put the tents on outskirts of the Vindya I send letter to Maharaj Dharmsen

Kunti- Vrishali is the Daughter Maharaj Dharmasen and Maharani Chandrabagha

Karna- Yes Mata but how you know both of them

Kunti- Chandrabagha was my childhood friend

Karna(Cont) To accept the terms without war but he rejected my proposal then I went In Vindya City to explore it when I was returning in jungel I listen someone is calling for help I rushed towards the direction where sound were coming I saw Rakshas Army and attack the army of Vindya they are trying to save a girl I shot Astra and attack the Asura army

Asura- Who are you and why you saving him

Karna- Who am I, it does not matter I am saving the innocent and that is my Dharma to protect

Asura- Then you will be killed like all this humans

Karna- In your Dreams

Karna attacked the Asuras Army with his Astra and killed all his army after that Karna went to see the girl is right or not Karna saw Vrishali and Vrishali look at Karna they have an Eyelock

Senapati-Rajkumari are you all right

They both break thier Eyelock

Vrishali- Yes I am alright

Karna start Moving back to the camp Vrishali stops Karna

Vrishali- Thank you and tell me Who are you

Karna- I am Karna 

Senapati-Karna you are the Yuvraj of Hastinapur

Karna- Yes I am the Yuvraj Of Hastinapur

Senapati-Pls Yuvraj Karna come to our palace

Karna- If you say and I want to meet your Maharaj

Karna and all return to Palace

Dharmsen- Putri I was worried you are all right

Vrishali- I am all right pitashri because of Yuvraj Karna

Dharmsen- Thankyou Yuvraj Karna be our guest and we will talk on the terms of friendship you send to me

Senapati- Maharaj attack from Rakshas are increasing day by day

Karna- Why Rakshas attack your Kingdom and Who is this Asura

Dharmsen- Yuvraj Karna he is Shambasur son Alambasur years back he attacked my Kingdom after a very long fight I defeated and he Vow of Revenge from my Kingdom

Karna- Why you don't start a war against Shambasur

Dharmsen- We can't because he has a boon from Lord Surya that only his son born on Earth can kill him and his Army

Karna-(In Mind) only I can kill Shambasur and his army

Dharmsen- Yuvraj Karna you must be tired Dasi show take him to guest room

Vrishali POV

In Night Vrishali was remembering today's Incident what happened today and the Eyelock with Karna she start blushing she start looking at moon and thinking about Karna next day Karna was Praying his father lord Surya Dev on the river shore Vrishali went to see him After the prayer Karna was coming Rakshas attack Vrishali Karna attack them

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