Krishna Curses Ashwathama

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Sanjay tells everything to Dhitrashtra what happend to Duryodhan Dhitrashtra was broken Ashwathama reached near Duryodhan's Body

Ashwathama- Mitra Duryodhan

Duryodhan- Mitra Ashwathama my last wish is that I want see the Pandavas death I make Kauravas Senapati go finish them

Ashwathama- your wish is my command Mitra I will kill them

Pandavas Camp

Vrishali tied Threads on Everyone hands for thier protection Ashwathama enters the Camp

Yudisther- Bharta Karna enemy army is waiting for the surrender

Karna- I think Draupadi and Uppandavs should go and the enemy Army should surrender infront of them

Draupadi- But jyshat they are Teenagers  how I can according the rules Enemies army surrender infront of winning side Maharaj and Maharani it is jiji's right

Karna- Draupadi they are teenagers but our next generation they proved themselves in this War so they have right or tell me it was not your War you have right to

Yudisther- Jyshat is right it was your war you have right

Pandavs order Uppandavs to go with Draupadi and Pandavas were protecting the Camp because Shadev sensed that something bad is going to happen Ashwathama enters in the Camp and start killing the Soldiers he reached near Abhimanyu and Vrishsen tent were they resting

Ashwathama- You both survived but not now you will die from my hands

Draupadi fell something is not good she returned to the Camp Ashwathama was about to strike his sword on Vrishsen but Karna stops him

Karna- Ashwathama the War is over you are doing Adharma

Ashwathama- Karna Duryodhan is alive he made me Senapti and as Senapati I this my Dharma to defeat my Enemy

Karna got angry and attack him they both engage in a war Karna and Ashwathama come out of tent they were fighting with Swords

Karna- Ashwathama stop it

Ashwathama- I will not

All Pandavas reach near Karna they were shocked to see Ashwathama

Ashwathama kicks Karna and go back

Yudisther- Jyshat are you all right

Yudisther- Ashwathama this is Adharma you can't attack like this the War is over

Ashwathama- For me not today I will use 6 deadly Astra given me by my Pitashri Maha Guru Dronacharya

Ashwathama invoke his Bow and attck Pandavas with 6 Deadly Arrows and escape from thier but Karna Kavach destroys 6 Astra

Draupadi- Arya putro jyshat are you alright

Karna- Yes but Ashwathama done a Adharma he attacked us when the war is over he has to get punishment he tried to attack Vrishsen and Abhimanyu

Ashwathama reaches near Duryodhan

Ashwathama- Mitra Duryodhan I killed all the Pandavas with my 6 deadly Astra

Duryodhan- Thank you Mitra you completed my dream

And then Duryodhan dies

Ashwathama- Mitra Duryodhan

Ashwathama take his body and prepare for his last rities

Ashwathama- Mitra Duryodhan you don't get Hastinapur but you will get Swarg and the Pandavs get Patal

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