Night Raid

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After Jaydrath and Surtha dies Duryodhan was in shock that Jaydrath and Surtha both died in the Battlefield he was in anger he returns to the camp with everyone

Pandavas Camp

Karna- How are they now Nakul

Nakul- Jyshat Vrishsen is out of Danger

Tear come from his eyes

Shadev- He is really strong no one can survive after 1 Naagastra but he survived after 2 Naagastra

Nakul- Jyshat he will be fine let him rest
We have to go to funeral of the soldiers and Warrior who died today

Kaurava Camp

Duryodhan- Get Ready Maharathis we are going to attack Pandavs now

Drona- Yuvraj Duryodhan this against the rules of the war

Shakuni- Guru Drona the rule Is that War can be War can be continued after Suryaasth in the light's of Torch and Guru Drona Yesterday Pandavas also attacked our Camp they break the rule now we are going attack them be ready

Drona was helplessly order soldiers to attack Pandavas  camp Duryodhan attack with Fire ball on the camp soldier of the Camp Soldier signaled Pandavas

Arjun- This is Emergency Signal this is coming from the Camp what happen suddenly

Krishna- Kauravas attacked the Camp

Karna- We all have to go and save them

Duryodhan- Attack with Fire balls again

Krishna- Bharta Bheem call your son Gatotkach we  required him in this war

Bheem- As you say Vasudev

Bheem cut his hands blood drop on ground

Bheem- Gatotkach my son I call you I need your help

Karna Arjun and everyone attack on Kaurava Army Drona was confronting Drupad and Dhristdyumna Kauravas call a Rakshas which was destroying Pandava army Gatotkach came and kill the Rakshas

Gatotkach- Parnipat Pitashri

Bheem- Putra Gatotkach go and destroy the Kaurava Army

Gatotkach destroying Army with his Mayavi Powers

Kauralvya destroyed his Maya but he failed to stop him

Gatotkach went near Duryodhan

Gatotkach- Taatshri Duryodhan Parnupat I am Gatotkach son of Bheem and Hidimba

Duryodhan attack him with his Mace but his mace destroyed

Bheem- Duryodhan fight my son or save your 25 brothers who are my prisoners I am gonna kill him

Duryodhan- Bheem

Gatotkach- Pitashri you kill his brothers I stop him

Gatotkach picks him

Duryodhan- Save me Guru Dev Mitra Ashwathama

Duryodhan- Save me Guru Dev Mitra Ashwathama

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