Case 1: The Exchange Student

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Author here,

so first of, thank you for taking the interest to read this. I hope you enjoy and find the story interesting. I apologize in advance if i make a mistake in spelling or grammar or the usage of such things. Thank you again for reading this.

This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.


Case 1: The Exchange Student

*Ting * Ting

Ugh. My head hurts...

I guess that's what i get for drinking over my limit last night. We just had a little party on our house before the second Semester starts-

Wait that's today! What time is it? Fudge. It's Nine in the morning, my class starts in Thirty minutes! I have to hurry.

"What's the... rush?" Someone yawned from behind me as i frantically sat up .

"Kris! We're gonna be late!" I said running to the bathroom.

"Oops, sorry i didn't wake you up" Jules said getting out of the shower in her underwear, fresh from the shower. "All yours" she said stepping aside to let me in.

After a five minute quick shower and all, i got dressed in ripped jeans and our uniform. A black collard shirt with the school logo and our Department logo.

It was fifteen minutes before class start and we're finally in the car, the four of us. We hurriedly drove off, the campus was a Ten minutes drive but we got there within seven minutes, i know we went over the speed limit.

"What was the first class again?" Tey asked as we run in the hall, yelling sorry with whoever we bump into.

"I think we have Forensic Six with Mr.Abbott today!" I answered then quickly checked my watch upon seeing the lab room.

"Hell yeah!" Kris said tapping the door as we reached.

"That was a record!" Jules said panting.

"Yeah, with five minutes to rest" Tey said breathing heavily like the rest of us.

"Oh you'll were almost late" Hector said as we entered the room, they were sitting on a table with equipment and all above it.

"Guys! Good news! Mr.Abbott wouldn't atend today" Matt said cheery as he entered the lab room, the others cheered too.

While the four of us grunted as we heard his news, i mean come on. We rushed here cause we knew he hated late students and he might mark us in our senior year but the heck? He won't even attend the discussion?

".... but there's a catch!" He added as the other's cheer turned into groan, "he won't attend but another professor will fill up for today, and we're just gonna go over the lesson last semester" he explained the others finally plopped down their seats and another professor entered.

"Ok guys, I'm not gonna discuss anything since you're not actually my class but Mr.Abbott instructed that you shall review your last lessons" he said sitting down at the professor's seat.

"Ok... I'm just gonna sleep guys, good night" Tey said and the others agreed, resting their heads on the table, not caring if the professor would notice.

So i guess I should start explaining, right? Well... let me start with my name then. I'm Ginny Jones, a Twenty-one year old, student. It's my last year at this university. I'm majoring in Crime Investigation. I'm planning to join the Police force after getting my credentials. The house earlier was Tey's house and the four of us decided to live together there, since her house was actually near the university. My home or my parent's house is a three hour drive from here, I'm sure you got confused there. Tey is actually rich, scratch that... her family is. They live on the same neighborhood during our high school and we became friends, we didn't even knew we got the same interest or plan in life.

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