"I'm his daughter." I say.

"Oh! I'm very sorry Miss King i didn't know. It was very rude of me to even ask you that." She apologizes.

"No, it's alright." I reassure her.

"Once again I'm very sorry. Goodbye. Hope to be seeing you soon at the ceremony." She says apologizing yet again.

"Yup, bye." I say and hang up the phone.

"Who was it?" Keegan asks making me jump. I thought he'd left.

"It's was um, someone from the funereal home who wanted to know how i was related to Leon." I explain to him.

"I'm guessing Leon is your dad?" Keegan asks. He is so dense sometimes.

"No, he's my dog. That's why i told the lady I'm his daughter." I say sarcastically.

"Jeez, sorry i asked." He says putting his hands up in defense.

"Sorry, i guess I'm just nervous about meeting my family." I say.

"I get it. Well i got to go, Al. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" He asks as he heads for the front door.

"No i think i'll be alright." I say.

"Okay bye." He flashes me one of his signature smiles that could make any girl go weak in the knees. Especially me since I'm head over heels for him.

"Bye." I giggle stupidly as he walks out closing the door behind him.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I repeat over and over softly to myself. I probably look really crazy walking upstairs talking to myself...


"Thanks for the ride." I say before slamming the door to Mia's car.

"No problem. Call me if you need a ride home i wont be busy." She says.

I nod my head and slam the door walking up the drive way of the funeral home. I look behind me to see Mia drive off. Now I'm left all by myself in a sea of unknown faces. Who are most likely thinking 'who the hell is this girl? Is she lost?'. I push those negative thought out of my head and continue towards the front door.

I walk inside to see a lot of people hugging and asking each other how they've been and how much they've changed. The weird thing is that no one's crying .I mean not that, that's a bad thing but isn't that what is supposed to happen at funerals or wakes or whatever this is.

I venture farther into the house and find myself in the main room where everyone is crowed tightly together trying to talk to each other. I nudge my way through just so i can get a drink at the refreshments table. Once i finally get over there i see that nothing has been set out yet. Once again, i am unlucky.

"Are you looking for the food, too?" Asks a woman beside me. I turn to look at her and i notice that she looks familiar and also looks to be around her late thirties early fourties at the most. Also thats she extremely beautiful. God, why cant i be beautiful like that.

"Yeah." I laugh softly giving her a small smile.

"I mean, if they're going to have the funeral at noon time the might as well set out lunch." She laughs. Once again everyone seems so happy today even though they are attending a funeral for someone who got shot.

"Your right." I say agreeing with her. Suddenly a little girl bursts out crying loudly causing everyone to stop talking so it grows quiet.

''Looks like shes hungry, too." The woman whispers to me. I stifle a laugh as a man comes into the room and picks up the little girl bringing her somewhere else which i guess is the cue for everyone to start talking again.

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