"This isn't funny!" I cried. Pure horror filled my face. Nothing about this situation was funny and yet, there was my best friend standing with her hands on her stomach, head thrown back in hysterical laughter.

I forced a loud cough, breaking her fit.

"I'm sorry, Zo," she giggled, straightening herself out. She tried to force a straight face, but there was no hiding her amusement. "It's just that you are rambling on like you did something wrong."

My lips pulled into a frown. "I did."

Lucy's eyebrows jumped upwards; her hands gestured in a small circle for me to explain.

"I kissed Aiden."

The words left a bitter taste in my mouth. The more I repeated them, the more I felt like I had just vomited. I hated everything about those three little words. I hated myself for kissing him.

"So? I don't get what the big deal is."

I blinked slowly. How could she not understand how bad of a situation this was?

Lucy shook her head; a wide grin fell over her lips as she walked over to me. She placed both of her hands on my shoulders, looked me square in the eyes. "I know you say you hate the guy, but so what that you two kissed?"

"I kissed him." At this point, I was practically a broken record.

I breathed, pressing my eyes tightly shut. I was ashamed. Wiggling from Lucy's grip on my shoulders, I turned to her bed and let myself fall onto it. The memory foam engulfed me as I pulled one of her pillows over my head.

Lucy sighed, and I could hear her walk over next to the bed. A second later she ripped the pillow from my head, forcing me to look up at her. Her eyes narrowed. "You're being a child."

I frowned. Gee, thanks Luce.

Her eyes softened and she let out another sigh before taking a seat on the bed. "At least tell me this, did you enjoy it?"

I sat up in an instant but remained silent. It was a weighted question. Every ounce of my being wanted to laugh in her face for suggesting, even for a second, that I would have ever been able to enjoy kissing Aiden. It felt so wrong to think that either one of us could have enjoyed that kiss.

"Tell me the truth."

Honestly, I wasn't willing to let myself think about how I really felt. It was easier to just shut down. I knew how I felt. If I had been revolted by the kiss, it would have been easy. I wouldn't have freaked out and bolted from the bonfire.

If I hated the kiss, I would have felt nauseated or repulsed. I would have pulled myself away from the kiss long before I jumped willingly into his arms. The logical side of my brain wanted me to hate how his body felt pressed against mine; how wrong the touch of his lips felt. And yet, I felt the exact opposite.

All I could think about was the faint taste of beer on his lips. Their soft touch and how easily they seemed to move together with mine so effortlessly. The kiss had done a serious number to my mental state.

I threw myself backward into her bed once again. This time, an obnoxious, frustrated groan escaped from my lips.

Lucy didn't hesitate to react. In a split second she had propped herself up over me, her lips curled into a devious smirk. "You totally loved every second of it."

I narrowed my eyes, but knew better than to deny her accusation. It wasn't exactly hard to read my body language at the moment.

She shook her head causing her long hair to fall into my face. "You know that there is no shame that you two kissed, right? Dare or not." All the teasing was gone from her tone.

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