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"You cheat Lodge," Nate whined as he watched my green bean bag successfully push two of Chris, his partner's, bags off the board before somehow landing itself into the hole.

I grinned in triumph, ran between the two cornhole boards to give Riley a celebratory high five. Riley and I had just won our third game of corn hole in a row, beating Chris and Nate 21-19.

Riley intertwined her arm with mine, shot the boys a wide grin. "Come on boys. Even you guys have to admit that there was nothing foul about that toss. Only pure skill."

Chris and Nate both laughed. They knew I hadn't cheated. Honestly, with a game like cornhole there weren't really a whole lot of viable options to cheat short of walking up to the board and putting the bean bag in yourself.

The shot that I happened to pull off was nothing close to cheating, just pure luck. It wasn't skill. I knew that I would never been able to replicate that same shot.

"No cheating, I agree with that," Chris admitted as him and Nate joined Riley and I between the two boards. "I'm impressed. No one has been able to beat Nate and I at this game in ages."

"Oh really?" I asked, unable to fight the smile that threatened to spill over my features.

Riley smirked at the boys and pulled me a step forward with her as she used her free hand to push the two boys back. "Step aside boys, Zoe and I are the new cornhole champs."

I grinned. Who would have guessed that I was actually going to enjoy myself at a cookout for the hockey team?

"Hey, yo Lance!" One of the hockey players, Clint, I believe his name was, suddenly shouted from across the pool. All three of our attention's were pulled in the direction of the doorway. "Are you gonna grill us some burgers?"

Lance was among several adults that had found their way outside. I'd presume that they were all parents. All dressed in casual summer clothes. Even Lance was wearing a pair of blue swim trunks and a white tank top. He almost looked like a normal dad and not the insane businessman that I knew him to be.

I looked over my shoulder at Chris and Nate, looking for an explanation as to why Clint would talk to Lance in such an informal manner. He was talked to Lance as though he were his servant.

Chris laughed. "Don't worry, Lance loves the hockey team."

My brows furrowed. I was more confused than before. From what I had seen of Lance with Aiden, he sure didn't seem like he loved the hockey team. If he was that hostile with Aiden, I had a hard time believing that he would be so loving and open with Aiden's teammates.

"It wouldn't be a cookout without some barbeque!" Lance called back.

"You're the best, Lance!" Cheers of approval erupted from the other players in agreement.

I turned back around to face Chris and Nate. I was at a loss of words. It'd been two weeks since Aiden joined the rink. How on earth was the team so comfortable with Lance?

"I'm so confused."

Nate chuckled. "Lance is at all of our practices," he explained as if he had read my mind. "The whole team loves him. He's like the fun, supportive uncle that is easy to get along with."

I arched my eyebrows. I was not convinced. From the many hostile interactions that I had witnessed between him and Aiden, I had a hard time believing that he was so easy going. Aiden certainly didn't act like he was. If this morning was any inclination for the poor relationship between father and son, I had a feeling Aiden wouldn't be happy with his dad's presence.

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