"What are you doing here?" Wyatt slid into the seat beside him. Zed noticed his tail was thumping on the chair.

     He couldn't peel his eyes from the fluffy ears. "Uh . . ." His new coat matched the fur pinned to his vest. Zed only stared blankly at Wyatt, the question flying over his head.

     "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Wyatt quipped and stood up, pulling Zed along with him by his wrists. The zombie felt the heat from his body rush to his face.

     "You guys have wolf appendages! The werewolves definitely didn't have those on the field trip." Zed said, his eyes still glued to the ears. They twitched at his voice.

     "Okay, okay. No need to shout." Wyatt rubbed at the side of his head.

     Weston shouldered his way out of the interrogation room. Sporting the same feral attributes, he was led by two officers to Willa and Wynter. His handcuffs were unclasped and he was immediately pulled behind Willa.

     "Whatever, yeah, we can pay I guess. Zed is coming with us, though." Willa's voice was firm, using the familiar alpha tone he had heard during the first fight at school.

     "He was going to be dismissed anyway. I don't see any problems, but please," Deputy took a step closer to Willa, "keep your pack under control. I don't want to have to detain any more of them."

     Willa nodded and flipped her hair as she walked back to the entrance with Wynter and Weston in tow. Wyatt scrambled to follow, motioning for Zed to do the same.

     "So, how did you manage to get Weston off the hook?" Zed asked them once they were outside. A few pedestrians scurried out of their way once they came into view. They must have looked like some sort of gang, all exiting the station at the same time.

     "Willa used her awesome alpha negotiating skills and managed to make the deputy let him go." Wynter smiled back at him, hands clasped beside her face and sighing in admiration.

     "I agreed to pay fines and his girlfriend agreed not to press charges is all." Willa brushed off her praise. "Weston, you have to tell us exactly what happened when we get back to the den."

     "Yes, Willa." Weston replied meekly. It was weird seeing him so docile now. Especially after he had just fought Zed. The werewolf turned to face the zombie." I'm sorry about attacking you."

     "You attacked him?" Wyatt did not look pleased, his eyes narrowing at the omega.

     "He didn't mean to, it was that witch curse." Zed explained, deterring the hostile reaction. "You're fine, Weston." He placed a reassuring hand on the wolf's shoulder. Weston smiled in turn.

     Willa paused at a store corner, turning to face the group behind her. "Listen up, I want Weston to return to the den with Wynter and I for questioning and pack healing. Wyatt and Zed are on research duty, which was what we came into town for in the first place." She ordered.

     "Aye aye, captain." Wyatt and Wynter said in unison, straightening their backs and saluting to her. They both wore twin grins, goofy in nature.

     Willa rolled her eyes and walked away with half the idiots. Leaving the other half with Zed. Wyatt turned to Zed, grinning at him. His tail swung excitedly from left to right.

     "So, partner in crime, which library are we stealing from first?" Wyatt whipped his head back and forth, surveying their options.

     "I don't want to go back to the Police station, so I say none. Let's just go in and read the books like normal patrons." Zed suggested, snickering as he saw Wyatt pout.

     "Boo. You sure know how to have fun." Wyatt huffed as they both began walking back downtown.

     "Uhm, actually, yeah, I do. Before the powerplant was taken down, we used to have killer zombie mashes down there!" Zed jumped in front of Wyatt as they walked. "Not to brag, but I was the best dancer." Zed boasted, putting on an impeccable show of his moonwalk.

     Wyatt stopped his trek and crossed his arms. "Really? That's the best you got? You just moonwalked." Wyatt grinned and raised up a fist and one of his legs. "I can show you some moves."

     "You wouldn't dare." Zed narrowed his eyes at the wolf. The other's grin only turned darker.

     "I would." Zed covered his eyes in horror as Wyatt did The Hype.

     "Stop! You're burning my eyes!" Zed waved his free hand in Wyatt's direction as his face turned crimson. He hoped no one was watching them.

     "C'mon, why don't you stop me?" Wyatt continued his onslaught of the dance.

     "Wyatt!" Zed had peeked through his fingers and saw the wolf had shifted gears and was now Flossing. The zombie snatched his hands before he could continue the public humiliation.

     Wyatt looked at the embarrassed teen and laughed. It was a nice, genuine sound, the type that was severely contagious. So, Zed blames it on that when he starts laughing as well.

 So, Zed blames it on that when he starts laughing as well

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     "Are they on drugs?"

     Lacey, Stacey, and Jacey were seated at a cafe, looking on judgmentally at the two boys.

     "No, Lacey. It looks like they're having fun, or something." Stacey rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her decaf coffee.

     "I didn't think they would actually become BFF's." Lacey said, cocking her head.

     "You don't think about a lot of things." Jacey teased, squealing when Lacey shoved him out of his seat.

     "Behave you two!" Stacey snapped, setting her coffee down. "Instead of acting like uncultured swines, why don't we come up with a plan to ruin their day?"

     "But, didn't we already do that newspaper article? Besides, Bucky isn't really focused on the zombies and werewolves nowadays, he's been swamped with school president work." Jacey countered as he got up from the ground, sitting back in his seat that he scooted away from Lacey.

     "The newspaper article was lame anyway. We can just follow them for now. We have nothing better to do." Stacey's chair screeched as she stood up, dropping some cash on the table. "Let's go."

(Let me know if you guys want more art like this or prefer it blank :D)

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