[9] New Look

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      Obviously, this wasn't the first time Zed was arrested. His first encounter with the police was when he had the brilliant idea to steal a limited edition action bot from a convenience store. He's been a stone cold criminal since the age of nine.

     Human police were common in Zombietown so when the officer found young Zed trying to slip past him with an unpaid toy in hand, he was taken down to the Police station. Zed wasn't sure if it was even legal to arrest someone his age, he probably would have put it back on the shelf if the man asked him to.

     Then, there's the time he was taken into custody when he went full Zombie at the football game. It was scary, losing control for those few moments.

     The ZPD van screeched to a stop and Zed was forced down into a chair that seemed manufactured to be uncomfortable. Actually, it might be the old gray one he sat in after the football game. A random officer gave him a wipe and a bandaid for his cheek. He rolled his eyes, of course no one was going to help him put it on. He slapped it on and hoped it covered the scratch.

     He was seated there for about half an hour, listening to the clacking of keyboards and the ringing of phones. He absentmindedly rubbed at his wrist, the new Z-band was itchy and uncomfortable.

     Eventually, an older man approached him, wearing a faded navy blue uniform. His face was wrinkled with age, laugh lines prominent among his old features. His badge read, 'Deputy Toms'. This was one of the kinder men at the station.

     "Listen kid, you have the right to remain silent, blah blah, you understand right?" The man tapped away on a tablet, "Ah, Zed Necrodopoulus. You've been here before."

     "Yes, sir." Zed nodded.

     "I remember dealing with you from the football game. Can't believe I forgot your face. Have you gotten taller?" Deputy Toms asked.

     "I guess, haven't bothered to check in awhile." Zed didn't know if it was for the better or worse that he already knew the deputy.

     The Deputy nodded, "Anyways, this report states you were engaged in conflict with a werewolf in public, and in addition, not wearing your Z-band. Is this correct?"

     "I was trying to subdue the werewolf. He was attacking his girlfriend, so I stepped in to defend her." Zed stated, doing his best to sound as calm and formal as he could. Shouldn't he be asking these questions in an interrogation room?

     "Well, that checks out with the witness's statement. With the werewolves acting out lately, we aren't holding people that were defending themselves or others accountable." Deputy Toms states, " Also, since you're a minor. I pulled a few strings so the Z-band incident is forgiven and-" A loud clang startled both of them, the harsh metal of a door being slammed open against a concrete wall.

     Papers went flying and Zed turned to look at what caused the commotion. He sighed as he saw it was Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter, but quickly did a double take. Maybe he hit his head harder on the sidewalk than he thought because it looked like the wolves were sporting furry ears and a matching tail.

     The officers inside the building snickered at their appearance, but had no qualms once they were met with 3 piercing gazes and mouthfuls of fangs.

     The Deputy approached the trio. "You guys can't keep doing this every time one of the wolves is in our custody." Toms exhaled, not bothering to comment on their looks.

     Willa raised a brow, "Can't keep doing what? Entering your den? Last time I checked, any human can, so why can't we?"

     Wyatt's eyes lit up as he saw Zed seated behind the older man. He seemingly ignored the Deputy, leaving the talking to Willa and Wynter as he made a beeline to the zombie.

Warm Animal // Disney ZOMBIES 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora