[8] Catching up with the Homies

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     Zed had sent Eliza and Bonzo a text Sunday morning, asking if they wanted to meet up to eat, just like he said he would. He almost backed out, worried they'd say no. He saw his phone light up, the notification coming from their group chat.

                                                               (Eliza's Rats)

      TheOgRat: U guys up for a bite somewhere today? 

     LizQuiz: Yeah, sure

     LizQuiz: I'm free at 1pm :)

     Trumpetboy: Ziggy gah zomb! (Yeah I'm hungry!)

     Zed smiled, quickly shooting a text back.

     TheOgRat: Awesome! Freddy's diner?

     LizQuiz: Yep

     TrumpetBoy: Guboo ah (The usual)

     He tossed his phone down, getting ready for the afternoon. It was so refreshing to know he'd get to hangout with his friends again. It had been too long.

     He spotted Eliza first, seated outside the diner. Bonzo popped up from behind a trash can holding a chipped plate, presumably for one of his many intricate instruments. Eliza noticed Zed approaching, waving to him from the rickety metal chairs.

     "Took you long enough." Eliza joked, elbowing him as he took a seat.

     "Oh come on! I was late by two minutes! Zoey wanted both dogs for a bit." He explained.

     Bonzo raised a brow, but patted him on the back. "Nice to hang out again." His words were slow, but nearly perfect English. Zed looked taken back.

     "Oh, whoa! You've improved so much!" He looked at his friend, who was fiddling with a menu bashfully.

     "Bree, Addison, and I, have been taking turns at teaching him English when he's up for it." Eliza shrugged her shoulders.

     It felt like a punch to the gut to know that Addison was using her free time to teach one of his best friends a language, while he hadn't spent time with them in so long.

     The waiter came out to them on the patio, taking their orders, then quickly retreating back inside. There were a few people that still weren't exactly accustomed to monsters in Seabrook.

     "They're nearly half-way done with the new Cheer Pavilion. It's sad that the power plant is gone." Eliza sighed. Zed knew she tried to protest the destruction, they all did in the end when they found out the moonstone was underneath.

     "I know you like it. Very sad, yes." Bonzo said. Bonzo personally didn't care for the plant, the empty building and the smell of mold put him on edge.

     "What have you guys been doing in your free time?" Zed asked. He was waiting for football practice again next week.

     Bonzo smiled to the waiter as he brought their food, placing the meals down with shaky hands. They said their thanks, but they doubted the man heard them.

     "Gurruh Zah la Zee." Bonzo stared off into the distance in a dreamy daze.

     Zed laughed. "It's good to hear you guys are still dating." He internally thanked every god known to man. He didn't know what he'd do with a heartbroken Bonzo.

     "I did some digging on the werewolf issue." Eliza said after a bite of her salad. "Willa mentioned they most likely had a curse placed on them by a witch that had a dislike for them. So I researched online and found a few curses witches commonly cast."

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