[6] No, You Cannot Eat the Zombie

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   He wasn't lying next to the rocks for long. The gentle noise of crickets and the deep croaks of frogs provided a distraction from his aching head. The smell around the air was earthly, refreshing from the tight knit area of Seabrook.

   Zed was eventually able to breathe again without any hiccups interrupting him. He took a deep breath before picking himself off the ground, mud clung to his pants and shoes. He was then painfully aware of his hands, that stung when he stretched his fingers out. His knuckles were bleeding, trickles of blood dripping down his finger tips. Hopefully he didn't break anything.

   The familiar soft sound of running water piqued his interest. He then realized that it was coming from the other side of the smashed in rocks. He lightly pushed against the wall, and watched as it crumbled, revealing a tunnel about six feet wide. Once he stepped in, he saw the protruding crystals from the overarching ceiling and jagged walls. Zed's eyesight was muddled down from the lack of light inside the cave (he forgot his phone back at the table), so he wasn't exactly able to appreciate them. The walls were littered with symbols, none that he could recognize.

   He walked for a minute down the twists and turns of the carved out path, before he saw the blinding light of a stream. The water was spilling from a statue of a wolf's head, the jaws opened as wide as they could go, cascading down an abundance of purple crystals. The water continued on, leading out a very small opening on the ground, presumably outside.

   Zed ran his hands under the water, sighing in relief as the cold water washed away the grime and blood from his hands. The red blended itself into the once clear water, coiling throughout in spirals and twists. He dried his hands on his jacket and was about to leave, but a twinkle of something caught his eye at the bottom of the stream where the dirt and rocks had settled.

   The object let out small whispers, entering his ears and soothing his pounding head. He liked the gentle tune it poured out. He pulled out the object, turning it over in his hand. It was beautiful; an intricate metal weaving around a blue gemstone, which was carved in the vague shape of a heart.

   The necklace continued its lullaby of a melody, growing louder as he unclasped the chain. It wouldn't hurt to put it on, right?

   He shook his head, the song abruptly stopping. It would. No, he should not be putting on a necklace that he found in a creepy, magical cave.

   He saw the blood from his wounds in the water start to spread, consuming the entire water into a dark crimson. He pocketed the necklace as the walls' symbols glowed, lighting up the whole cave in a violently saturated cerulean.

   Zed dashed out of the cave, not taking his chances of looking back as the cave glowed angrily. He tripped over an uprooted tree in his clamber to escape, crashing to the ground. He stayed on the ground, letting himself breath again. Just when he calmed himself down he had to go and discover a magical cave.

   His heart leapt once more as he heard several footsteps slowly approach his way. He turned over, expecting to see students and a teacher that finally decided to go find him. He didn't see anyone when he looked around though.

   "Guys?" Zed called out, he received birds chirping.

   A figure dashed behind a tree. Zed picked himself up, looking around at the trees and noticed that there wasn't a stone path like there usually was. He strayed off the path and couldn't remember where he came from, how awesome.

   "Very funny, now come out wherever you are." Zed's voice dripped in sarcasm. The trees rustled as birds flew away. He stilled himself as eyes stared back at him from a distance. The eyes of a wolf.

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