[3] The Opposite of a Cat Fight

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     Zed had heard the fight before he saw it. The loud bang of something being slammed against metal lockers, followed by snarls and screaming. He rushed over, hoping to catch a glimpse of the skirmish. What he saw was a huge crowd gathering around two individuals, a wolf and a zombie.

     The werewolf's eyes glowed a vibrant scarlet, her moonstone illuminating with the mirrored hostility her face was scrunched into. The zombie girl was in the more vulnerable position, her legs struggling to stabilize as she was jerked around effortlessly.

     "Stop, Wendy! Please!" the zombie student begged, gripping onto the claws that were dug mercilessly into her ponytail. The she-wolf pulled her back, throwing her into the lockers. As the zombie was yanked upwards once again, a huge dent was left as evidence from the collision. The crowd cringed as their phones continued recording.

     "Stand down!" Willa's voice broke through the crowd and she marched over to the lone wolf. The girl paid her no mind and continued her assault on the other student, even swinging her in Willa's direction.

     The alpha was appalled at this, dodging the ragdoll, and looking aggravated at the defiance. Zed moved forward through the boisterous crowd, about to break the fight up, but three teachers beat him to it.

     The fight was stopped as quickly as it had started. The zombie girl was led to the nurses office while the werewolf, Wendy, was dragged to the front office, her teeth still snapping at the bystanders.

     Zed jogged over to Willa, who looked beyond annoyed. "What happened? I thought your pack never attacked without permission?"

     "They don't, and this wolf had red eyes, not the normal yellow," Her voice dropped, "something's going on, and I'm going to find out." Her eyes flashed before she left.

     That didn't really help at all. Zed was still confused as his peers walked by him, giggling and exclaiming excitedly about the fight. It was too early to understand anything.

     Lunch wasn't any better. People were still gossiping about the fight, dropping their own theories and viewpoints of the encounter.

     "I always knew those wolves would snap one day."

     "Same, I heard they were dating and got into a big argument."

     "The dogs have serious anger management issues."

     Zed gripped his fork tighter, the racist comments about the wolves hitting a bit too close to home.

     "Hey! Cut it out, not all the wolves are like that." Zed chided to a table of freshmen as he walked by.

     They were less than pleased by his two cents. "Whatever, virgin."

     Zed twitched at the comment, but did nothing to feed their fuel for another scandal. He took his seat at the zombie table.

     "Hey! Haven't seen you around in a bit. Having fun with your new BFF?" Eliza greeted him, Bonzo waved as well. He felt a little bad, he had basically ditched them after being dumped. It's not their fault they broke up after all.

     "Sorry, I just thought you guys wouldn't want to see me. You two are close to Addison." He shrugged, he didn't want to admit he was just scared of how they'd see him. Scared of what Addison might have said about him.

     He's slowly getting together that Addison doesn't like him anymore, but he still has a spot for her in his heart. Hoping she'd come back to him. Yeah, not necessarily a healthy way to perceive a break-up.

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