[7] Shower thoughts, But on a Bus

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 Addison was standing across the room from the group. They were inside a wooden building, listening to a native man talk about his time during a war. The white haired girl was deliberately avoiding eye contact. Zed didn't know whether to be grateful for a reason to not talk to her, or offended she wouldn't look at him.

Zed decided to leave it. He didn't have to worry about her on the bus, so it was better like this. His stomach growled and he quickly covered it. He didn't get a chance to eat his lunch.

He was preoccupied by the animals though, watching in amazement as a handler brought out a doe, missing her front right leg.

"This young deer's name is Simpson. She lost her front right leg when a car hit her on the highway. She has a permanent limp, so she cannot return to the wild." The keeper explained, feeding her a handful of seeds.

Someone asked if they could pet her and the lady nodded, "One at a time please." She stepped to the side, still holding onto the rope wrapped around the doe's neck.

A few people pet Simpson before Zed, giggling while the deer licked their hands. Zed approached her, reaching his hand out to pet her head when the deer jerked back. The doe's eyes were wide, thrashing to get away from him, letting out a distressed bellow.

"Woah, Simpson, calm down!" The keeper laid her hands on the pelt, rubbing her body soothingly. "Sorry, guess Simpson doesn't want any more pets today." the lady apologized and several students whined at the loss of the animal.

"Way to go, Zed." A girl jeered. He rolled his eyes and looked down at his hands, noticing the cloth around them. Wyatt's shirt. He pursed his lips as he realized the deer must have smelt the werewolf on him and got scared.

He didn't even use his notebook on a single thing at the reserve. In fact, he didn't see anybody taking notes except Eliza in her group, who was constantly talking with Willa.

The crescent moon was shown in all its glory at the end of the day. A few students made off handed comments about the werewolves, receiving a scowl from any wolf nearby. Everyone was tired and sweaty from being outside nearly the entire day, so students were surprised and jovial to find that teachers had coolers of drinks and food for kids to eat on the ride back home.

Zed sipped on his Caprisun, staring out the window as the bus engine revved to life. Soon enough, the ancient reserve plains disappeared from view, leaving only the constant streams of trees.

"Have fun at the reserve?" Wynter asked, peeking her eyes over the top of the seat.

"If you exclude almost being eaten alive by wolves, then yeah, fine." Zed mumbled, sinking into his seat more.

The cave had a wolf statue in it, maybe the werewolves know something about it? No, wait, did it have a statue? Where was it? He rubbed his temples, reaching into his pocket for the necklace, but there was nothing there. He cursed, he must have dropped it when he tripped.

The cave was fuzzy, he couldn't even remember what the necklace looked like, his head aching when he tried to remember. It would suck to think he had a concussion. He should talk to take his mind off of it.

"Did, you guys have fun?" He returned the question. Wyatt's brown eyes popped up beside Wynter's.

"I liked the Native speakers." Wynter gushed, "Their stories of battle and blood spill were amazing."

Wyatt gave Wynter a concerned look before answering, "It was OK, but I enjoyed being a knight in shining armor for a certain damsel." Zed swore he saw Wyatt's fang shine.

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