An Abundance of Annas and Beths

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A/N: Sorry for being out for so long. I was being lazy, and decided to get off my butt to post something before New Years! Have a happy new year and I'll see you in 2015! This one shot is based off of John Green's "An Abundance of Katherines" -EndOfBeginning


        Percy was ten years old when he got his first kiss. A new family has moved into the house across the street, and his mom invited them over as a kind neighbor act. The family had three children; a girl Percy's age and two boys that were six years old.

        After dinner while the adults were chatting, Percy sat down next to the girl (who he found out was named Annabeth) on the couch while she was reading a really thick book. Percy took a long look at her blond curls and stormy grey eyes, and wondered what it was like to kiss someone. He'd seen his mom and Paul do it many times, so why not try it out for himself?

        Percy leant in and pressed his lips to the unsuspecting girl's mouth. He pulled back a second later, contemplating on whether it was good or not. Annabeth wrinkled her nose as she watched Percy.

        "What was that for?" she asked.

        "Uh...I don't know?"

        Annabeth rolled her eyes. For a ten year old she looked awfully mature. "Well don't do that again. It felt weird."

        Maybe Percy's ten year old mind didn't know it, but he was discreetly rejected by a pretty ten year old supergenius.


        Percy was eleven years old when he got his first girlfriend. Her name was Anna, and she had wavy brown hair and twinkling blue eyes. Percy had met her on his first day of intermediate school, and it had been love at first sight.

        At least it had been for him.

       After a week of holding hands and kissing each other on the cheek, Anna said she felt that they were just kids and didn't really want to be in a relationship meant for older people.

        Percy nodded and pretended like he understood, but really he was crumbling on the inside. That day, he ran back home with tears in his eyes, only to be met with the sight of a blond girl eating his mom's chocolate chip cookies.

        "Annabeth!" Percy wailed as he dumped his backpack by the closet. "I just got dumped for the first time."

        Annabeth just tolled her eyes and snorted. "Honestly, Seaweed Brain. You guys are only eleven. Did you really think it was going to last?"

        Percy sat down next to Annabeth and grabbed one of the cookies on the plate. The two had become best friends, even after their first awkward encounter. Two kids about the same age+living across the street from each other+sharing the same sense of humor=friendship.

        "You're only eleven years old and you're already lecturing me about relationships," Percy groaned. "Next thing I know, you'll be teaching me about video games."

        Annabeth patted Percy on the back. 

        "Hey, at least you'll know what it's like to have someone break up with you. You'll have firsthand knowledge when it comes to the next relationship."

        Annabeth laughed when Percy punched her arm.


        Percy was thirteen when he met Annabell, the pretty girl who was at swim camp. She had wavy blond hair and chocolate brown eyes, and the thing that attracted Percy the most was that she loved swimming and the water.

Percabeth One-Shots All Around!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ