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A/N: Sorry guys for the VERY long wait, so I thought it'd be nice of me to post a short drabble while I work on my recent one shot. Here goes nothing...

        "I hate tomatoes," I say while scrunching up my nose. "Honestly, the first and last time I took a bite out of one of those I nearly puked."

        Percy stopped mid-chew to stare at me. The tomato's juices are running down his hand, dripping onto the grass at Central Park where we thought it would be nice to have a picnic. I sit cross legged across from him, picking at my turkey sandwich.

        "How can you not like tomatoes?!" says Percy incredulously. "They're simple yet delicious! Refreshing, sweet yet sour, gods it's the only vegetable that I'd eat willingly."

        I roll my eyes at his dramatic gestures. "It's a fruit, Seaweed Brain."

        Percy takes a napkin and wipes off the tomato juices from his arm. Suddenly, he looks at me and a mischievious grin forms on his face.

        "What?" I say, setting my turkey sandwich down.

        His smile only gets bigger. It somewhat creeps me out.

        "Percy, you should work on hiding your intentions better, because if I didn't know you I'd be running away like a psychopath was chasing me."

        Percy only takes a huge bite of his tomato, making the juices smear all over his mouth. He leaned across our picnic blanket so that he was inches away from my face.

        "Is there anything I can do to make you change your mind about tomatoes?" whispers Percy under his breath...and it almost sounds seductive, except the utter strangeness of the question ruins the mood.

        "Um..." my breath hitches, and Percy was leaning closer and closer, and all I can see is his soft lips caked in tomato juice, and his eyes were sparkling...

        When his lips met mine, I felt like as if I was floating. I was vaguely aware of my turkey sandwich hitting the picnic floor, but I was too engulfed in Percy's lips. As I swept my tongue across his lips, I realize with a jolt that tomatoes tasted amazing. Sweet yet sour, in a mild way, and so as if I just brushed my teeth.

        Maybe it's just the texture of the tomato that I don't like, but you know what, screw this. I'm kissing Percy Jackson and he tastes like tomatoes which is now my favorite fruit.

        When we finally pulled apart, Percy had a big grin on his face. I probably had tomato juice smeared on my face, yet I didn't care. The juice smeared across Percy's lips was oddly endearing.

        "Now do you like tomatoes?" He says with a smile.

        No, I love them.





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