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A/N: Wow. This is the longest I've worked on a story. Rick Riordan owns PJO.


        Percy and Annabeth were best friends. They met when they were only four, toddlers barely comprehending their surroundings. But even Annabeth at that age could tell how beautiful Percy's eyes were as they played in the sandbox. A kid told Annabeth she was stuck up. Percy shoved him to the ground. From then on they were unseperatable. Going to each other's houses, studying together, you name it. They even had the same teachers in elementary school!

        But it was middle school when everything changed...

        "Do you have a crush on anyone?" whispered Annabeth to Percy at their lunch table, just as they were trading blue chocolate chip cookies for cheez-its (it's a tradition, really).

        Percy's heart nearly jumped to his throat. He has had a crush on Annabeth for a couple of years, but she never suspected that.

        "Uh...um...no?" Percy said. "Do you?"

        Annabeth nodded fervently. She leaned across the table and whispered in Percy's ear so softly, he could barely hear. But the name pierced the air like an arrow. "Luke."

        Annabeth pointed giddily to the popular table at the blonde haired boy. Percy's world basically crashed down on him. All he said was a plain "Oh."

        Annabeth's eyebrows furrowed for a moment, but the concern passed. "He's just so handsome, you know?"

        "Are you implying I'm gay?" said Percy jokingly. Annabeth playfully slapped him on the back of his head. She proceeded to say charming characteristics of Luke, all the while having a dreamy look on her face. Percy put on a fake smile, just to appear happy for Annabeth.

        A month later, Luke invited Annabeth to his table. She had looked at Percy, asking a silent I don't want to leave you, do you want to come? Percy shook his head, and mouthed You can go. I'll be fine.

        Annabeth shot him a brilliant smile, and Percy sighed as Luke steered her to sit next to him. Annabeth started to drift farther and farther away from him; they never hung out anymore, and Annabeth started to wear makeup. God, she looked more and more beautiful every passing day. But Percy was just a nobody, and nobodys just weren't friends with somebodys. Percy still flashes Annabeth grins down the hallway, and she always smiles back...not knowing how much heartbreak she's causing Percy. But eventually they drift even farther away, and Percy hangs out with his cousins Nico and Thalia. Sighing, Percy walked down to his last class of the day: gym.

        Percy changed out of his sweaty uniform, and went out of the locker room. Luke and his cronies were standing outside, waiting for him. Percy noticed Luke had a new scar; it ran down from his eye to the corner of his mouth. Luke took a step forward towards Percy. Luke grabbed Percy by the collar, and dragged him outside. The cronies followed. Luke roughly shoved Percy to the wall.

        "Now, listen here," hissed Luke. "Stay away from Annabeth, 'kay? And nobody gets hurt."

        Percy shoved Luke off of himself. "Annabeth's my friend. You can't just say that I can't see her anymore!"

        Luke narrowed his eyes at Percy. "Now, listen boy. Annabeth apparently likes you. And if I'm going to date her, she can't like any other guy, got it?"

        Percy gulped visibly. "You're...you're...going to ask her out?"

        "Yeah," snorted Luke. "Can't believe you haven't figured that out already."

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