Luke & Leia

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Anakin felt his heart beating out of his chest as he watched his worst nightmare come to life. The person he loved most in the galaxy was in pain, and if his visions were true, she would soon be taken from him for good. Padmé continued to scream in pain, causing an unbearable pain in Anakin's heart .

"Ahsoka! Obi Wan!", Anakin screams, "Help! It's Padmé something's wrong!"

Ahsoka and Obi Wan come running onto the landing platform, lightsabers in hand.

"Padmé!", Ahsoka calls.

They both kneel beside Anakin and Padmé, while Ahsoka grabs her hand and Obi Wan gently puts his hand on her forehead.

"She's in labor, Rex call the medical droid!"yells Obi Wan.

Anakin continues to find it harder to breathe. this is it. this is where he looses her for good, and there is nothing that he could do to help her, to take away her pain. He felt just as helpless and fearful as the day he lost his mother, all those years ago.

He must've zoned out, fear taking over his mind and body, because suddenly Ahsoka was shaking him by the shoulders while Obi Wan and Rex carried Padmé inside.

"Master what is it?" asks a panicked Ahsoka.

"I can't do anything to help her. I've seen it in my visions, she's going to die in childbirth and I can't save her!" Anakin screams as tears stream down his face.

Ahsoka instinctively walks a few feet closer and embraces him in a hug. After a few moments, she pulls away while still holding his arms.

"Anakin, I know it's incredibly hard for you to watch someone you love so much in pain, but you have to snap out of it. Padmé needs you! You must put your fears aside and focus on what is right in front of you! Right now your baby is about to be born, and instead of being present for this moment, your focusing on a vision that may not even come true!" yells Ahsoka

Anakin looks up, "I know. I'm just so afraid. I can't loose her. I can't live without her", he whispers.

" I know master, and you won't", Ahsoka reassures him and grabs his hand, guiding him inside the apartment.

Once inside, they find Padmé in their bed with the medical droid near her feet and Obi Wan standing beside her whispering encouraging words.

Anakin rushes to replace Obi Wan's place beside her, "I can take it from here, thanks", he tells his old master gratefully.

Obi Wan nods and exits the room to join Rex, who was waiting on the balcony.

Ahsoka walks to the other side of Padmé's head and gives Anakin a reassuring look.

Anakin takes Padmé's trembling hand and brings it to his lips and places a kiss on her glistening skin.

"Padmé I'm so sorry I'm here, don't worry everything is going to be okay" Anakin reassures her.

Padmé gives Anakin's hand a small squeeze and smiles at him before her contractions start again. Anakin comforts her during the remainder of the birth whispering words of love and encouragement into her ear. After what seemed like hours, the baby finally arrived.

"It's a boy" says the medical droid.

"A boy?", Anakin asks with a bright smile and a chuckle, "I could've sworn it would be a girl" he says as he kisses Padmé's forehead.

"Perhaps this one will be" the droid replies.

"What?" Anakin and Padmé ask in illusion, astonishment clear in their voices.

"You've been carrying twins", informs the droid as he passes the baby boy to Anakin.

Anakin looks down at the tiny baby in his arms and then to Padmé, while she turns to him with a nervous but happy smile. All it takes is one look at Padmé's face and Anakin can breathe again. He feels himself visibly relax as he grabs Padmé's hand and plants a kiss on the top of it. "What should we name him", he asks her. Padmé gently glides her hand over the baby's forehead, "Luke", she smiles. "Luke", repeats Anakin as he looks down at his son while the baby grabs a hold of his finger. He couldn't believe how small he was, he was almost afraid to move him incase he would break.

Padmé suddenly cries out in pain and it's clear that the next delivery is about to begin. Anakin passes Luke over to Ahsoka and she takes him happily, while Anakin grabs Padmé's hand and begins whispering encouraging words. A few moments later, Padmé breathes a sigh of relief as the medical droid hands over the second baby to her. Anakin watched in awe as Padmé brought the small baby up to her face, she did it. She survived. All those weeks of worrying and agony were for nothing, she was still here with him, and that was all that mattered. He continued to state, astonished at her strength and courage.

"It's a girl" informed the droid.

"I knew it", Anakin smirked as he reached down to caress his daughter's cheek, "She's beautiful, just like her mother", Anakin says as he gives Padmé a quick kiss. Padmé looks up at him for a moment as tears of happiness fill her eyes.

Ahsoka walks over to Anakin and gives him Luke to hold. "I told you everything would be okay", she says to him with a smirk.

"Thanks snips", he replies gratefully.

"Congratulations Padmé, I am so happy for you both", Ahsoka says.

"Thank you so much Ahsoka, for everything. I fear how things would have gone if you hadn't been there to help" Padmé replies.

"Of course", says Ahsoka happily, "I'll give the four of you some privacy" she gives them a bright smile before exiting to the balcony to inform Obi Wan and Rex of the good news.

"See Ani?", asks Padmé.

"What?", he answers without taking his eyes off the tiny baby in his arms.

"Sometimes bad dreams are just that... dreams", she tells him.

Anakin looks up, tears threatening to fall down his face, as he gazes upon his beloved wife, and their new family. He didn't know that such happiness existed in the world, he never knew that it was possible for him to feel this way.

"I love you so much", he promises her as he leans down to her level.

" And I love you", she says back with a smile right before their lips meet.

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