This is Where the Fun Begins

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Ahsoka wakes up to two little bodies jumping on her bed and tiny giggles filling her room. She can't help but smile at the intrusion and she reaches through the force to pull the twins in close for a hug.

The trio make their way to the kitchen where Padmé was cooking breakfast and Anakin was keeping his mind busy tampering with Artoo's circuits.

"Morning Snips" He called out, not looking up from his task.

"Morning Master", she chirped back, "morning Padmé".

"Good morning Ahsoka" Padmé greeted with a warm smile, placing a stack of warm pancakes in front of her.

Padmé made it impossible to feel like a burden, even though the thought infiltrated her mind at
times, Padmé's warmth and generosity reassured her. Besides, where else would she even go? She had no where to call home, but this wasn't new to her. She was always on the run from something whether it was the Sith, separatists, the Jedi, and now Palpatine. Naboo was starting to feel the most like home she'd ever felt. Ahsoka knew how much Anakin missed her when she left him a couple years ago at the Jedi Temple, so she was sure he didn't mind her staying with his family. The negative voice in her head tried to tell her she was intruding, but Anakin's eyes said otherwise. He considered her family, and so did Padmé, they appreciated all her support and how much their kids adored and looked up to her.

Ahsoka stopped mid-bite as she felt her stomach drop and quickly swiveled her head to lock eyes with Anakin, seeing if he sensed it too, which he clearly did.

Ahsoka jumped up on the table igniting both lightsabers in her signature stance, one out in front and the other behind her back.

"Padmé grab the kids and get behind us now!" he yells out forcefully taking a protective stance with his lightsaber glowing and expression murderous.

Silence fills the air for a few moments before a bright red lightsaber slashes through the large glass window, thousands of sharp little pieces flying from every direction. A tall grey creature that reminded Ahsoka of the Jedi Temple guards stepped through the wreckage his light saber becoming two blades circling rapidly. Yikes who the fuck is this guy? She asks herself.

"Babe take the twins and run to the garden! Hurry!" Anakin orders as Padmé quickly scoops
the kids up in her arms and makes a frantic escape towards the lake, the two droids following closely behind. Ahsoka tightens her grips on her lightsabers, determined to protect her adoptive family.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be?"Anakin sneers at the enemy, reading Ahsoka's thoughts exactly.

"I am the Grand Inquisitor", the nasty creature states proudly, "I'm here to take all you force sensitive outcasts to the Emperor himself" he spits out.

"Well that's not gonna happen" Anakin refutes with his dark chuckle.

"Never" Ahsoka adds confidently.

"We'll see about that" the Inquisitor says cockily as he moves swiftly to connect his lightsaber with Anakin's.

But her old Master was quick on the defense, clearly throwing the Inquisitor off guard with his quick and sharp attacks.

Ahsoka positions herself behind the enemy, adding blows whenever she could, trying to throw him off anyway possible. "I'm not impressed" she claims, taunting her enemy.

"Snips! Grab Padmé and the kids and get the ship ready!" he tells her as he fends off the Inquisitor's wrath.

Ahsoka follows her Master's orders promptly, reaching through the force to accelerate her speed, she sprints to the gardens to find her family in their previous sanctuary. She hears Anakin and the Inquisitor moving closer to the lake, but she's confident in his abilities to hold him off.

"Padmé!?", she calls out to the exquisite plants and flowers, "where are you guys?" she begins to panic but to quiet her thoughts to sense their presence.

She breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Padmé  and the twins emerge from some bushes with the twins in hand.

"Ahsoka what's going on? Is Anakin alright?" Padmé asks her with panic clear in her tone.

"He's fighting off the Inquisitor he told me to get everyone on the ship!" Ahsoka orders.

"Fighting the what?" Padmé asks.

"No time! Let's go!" Ahsoka takes Leia out of Padmés arms to lighten her load as they start running toward Anakin's old junky ship he stole at the beginning of the Clone Wars. She positions herself in the pilot seat and switches on the ignition as Padmé works on calming down Luke and Leia. Artoo chirps his nervous toon, "I know buddy we're not leaving without him don't worry" Ahsoka assures him, even though deep down she was starting to feel uneasy herself, where the hell is he?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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