Finding Vader

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Once seated in the pilot seat of her sleek, silver ship, Padmé began to set the coordinates that she had promised to meet Ahsoka at. She felt her hands shaking with anxiety and sorrow as she finished directing the ship to the only ounce of hope that she had left, Ahsoka. Just as her ship was about to take off, the ramp was activated and dropped to the landing platform. Padmé instinctively grabs her blaster, prepared for an assassin, but visibly relaxes once she sees who has broken into her ship.

"Obi Wan", she breathes as she clips her blaster back to her belt, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you", Obi Wan says as he walks toward her.

She notices that he still wore the same expression of worry and sadness that he had carried earlier.

"Master Yoda has tasked me with destroying Darth Vader, and that is what I intend to do".

"No!", Padmé cries, "I won't let you!"

"Padmé , I don't want to kill Anakin. He is my best friend and is the closest thing to family that I have, but he has become a great threat to the galaxy. I want to help you try to bring him back to the light side of the force. It will take a great deal to get the remainder of the Jedi to trust him again, seeing as to what he has done to the Jedi younglings and Master Windu, but I am hoping to convince Master Yoda to pardon him, after seeing the great amount of manipulation that was forced upon Anakin by Palpatine. However, if Anakin does not come back to the light, then I will do what I must to end Vader's reign" Obi Wan says.

Padmé looks up at Obi Wan, tears streaming down her face, "alright" she answers in barely a whisper.


Once at the coordinates, they see the slender, Naboo ship waiting for them. When the pair enter, Ahsoka walks straight into Padmé's waiting arms and hugs her as best she could, despite her pregnant belly. It felt so good to see her again. Padmé had always been a major support system for Ahsoka, and she'd missed her dearly.

"Oh Ahsoka", Padmé sighed, "It's so good to see you again, I wish it were under better circumstances, but I'm so happy that you are safe and survived the attack on the Jedi. Thank you so much for coming, I know you must be incredibly heart broken and disappointed after hearing about Anakin".

Ahsoka looks up at Padmé and could tell that she had been crying. Seeing the strong senator in so much pain made it difficult for Ahsoka to hold back her own tears. She had never believed in love until she saw the way Anakin and Padmé looked at each other.

"Padmé I am so sorry. I should have stayed in the Jedi Order, I should have contacted him sooner, I should have -"

Padmé places her hands on Ahsoka's shoulders, "No Ahsoka, it's not your fault. You cannot blame yourself. This is no ones fault but Palpatine's, and Anakin's fault for trusting him". Padmé reassures her.

Ahsoka gives Padmé a sad smile, she had always been so good at giving advice, and was going to be an amazing mother. Rex and Padmé exchange pleasantries, and Ahsoka notices another figure emerge from the shadows.

"Master Kenobi" Ahsoka breathes. Although they hadn't left off on the best terms the last time they met in person, having him here during this difficult time was comforting.

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