
13 1 0

Alternatively: The Little Things

Sometimes, therapy writing is comfort writing. This is a result of a stressful day, where I was sitting in class and craving comfort.
(This story was an TaeTen fic originally but I put it here because I do not support shipping real people anymore.)

The boy sighed with a smile, as he looked down at the sleeping form of his friend on his bed. The younger was only in a shirt an boxers, the blanket resting over his hips. He looked so peacefull while he slept and soft snores where leaving him. The boy chuckled and started to undress himself, throwing his dirty clothes into the laundry basket.

He knew that he could pick the younger up and carry him into his own bed, but something held him back.
He was scared to wake the younger up and to disturb him.
They had so much stress recently, preparing for their exams, working hard every day.
'It's never wrong to share some warmth and comfort.' he told himself, as he climed in next to him.

His friend immediately reacted to the change of his surroundings and cuddled to the boy. The older smiled and wrapped his arm around him.
He closed his eyes and felt a sudden calmness fill his body. His tense shoulder relaxed and he melted against the sheets.

Maybe, this was just how things were supposed to be. Maybe, the boy was just a little bit in love with his friend. And who knows, maybe the other one was too.

therapy writingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora