"-wait, Lydia kissed you?" Scott spoke, this was the first time he heard of that news. He was surprised Stiles hasn't come running to him the second it happened. But the picture of Sweet Pea floats through his mind and he understands why Stiles wasn't making a big deal of it. "uh, yeah she did..." Stiles trailed off not knowing how to feel about it. He actually hasn't dwelled on the fact the girl he liked for long actually kissed him. But as fleeting as the thought came so did the memory.

"What's the hell is happening to me?" Stiles asked aloud, Scott looked to him. "You're going to be okay," Scott reassured him but Stiles looked at him in disbelief.

"Am I? Are you? Scott you can't transform. Allison is being haunted by her dead aunt and Sweet Pea. I'm hallucinating Sweet Pea everywhere! I'm straight up losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't... We can't help Malia. We can't help anyone. We can't ask anyone for help otherwise they'll end up like Sweet Pea."

Scott slid closer to Stiles as he told him that can try. "We can always try."


Peter and Derek look to the door in anticipation. After the gun fires and fight they heard above them, they wanted to know who was coming. The door opened and immediately the guy guarding the door was knocked out.

It was a women with black hair and once she turned around they noticed the visible claw marks across her neck. "You're the girl who saved Issac." Derek spoke as the lady corrected him before she goes to unlock locks and take off the chains. "Someone hired me to rescue Derek, you, I'm fine leaving here for dead." Peter makes a face asking Derek how he got that reputation. Before the women unlocks him too. Immediately Peter dove to the floor picking up his finger and held it closely.

"We're not leaving without it," Derek states as he looks the women and Peter. The hired mercenary asked what it was before following the wolves out of the room.


Allison walks into the office and goes to a big black case. Once she opened it texted Scott she got the weapon as Scott read the message.

Scott, Stiles and Issac were at the vet waiting for Deaton to come back with tranquilizer. Deaton explained that he only had three before Scott tells him Allison was a perfect shot.

Stiles sighs annoyed at Issac for once again making negative comments. "Do you have like a scarf fetish or something?" Stiles snaps as he motions to the black material wrapped around his neck. No matter the weather, Issac was seen wearing the material. "As much as neck tattoos are yours, Stiles." Issac bites back before Stiles moves to attack the curly blonde. Scott immediately wrapped his arms around Stiles telling both of them to knock it off.

"How do we get a coyote to turn back into a girl who hasn't been a girl for eight years?" Issac asked as the four glance at each other. Scott immediately volunteers as Stiles looked to him in disbelief. Scott looked to Stiles explaining what happened the night at the school and at the distillery. If Derek and Ducalion can do it, so can he, right?

"We need a real alpha," Stiles spoke aloud but stood up when he noticed the offended look on Scott's face. Stiles goes to explain what he meant. "You know what mean, an Alpha who can do Alpha things. You know, an Alpha who can get it going. You know, get it.."

"Up?" Stiles glared at Issac, already knowing the double meaning to the word. Scott who didn't catch onto the double meaning, "Great. I'm an Alpha with performance issues."

The Void 🎭 S. Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now