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Personal Demons.

Everyone has one, taking the shapes of of deepest fears.

Just like a boggart in Harry Potter, Stiles, Scott, and Allison's fears are taking form right in front of them.

Unlike the wizarding world where you cast a simple spell and it'll become something ridiculous. No they had to face it and figure it out a way to overcome it.

They needed to figure it out fast because the longer they face their demons the more control it has over you.

Mentally and Physically.

The worst part?

Their demons were manifested by their soul, their own minds. You cant fight something that is inside your head.

You cant fight something that knows us more than we do, that is basically you.

Your demons are yourselves, they know you. From fears to hopes. From good to bad memories. From your deepest darkest secrets to your deepest darkest fears.


"Not the steadiest hand for a superb marksman." Lydia states as she saw Allison's hand shake uncontrollably.

Allison explains she cant help it since that night as she got a flashback of Kate's blood splattering on the window. Then to Stiles desperately trying to save Sweet Pea.

Throwing the brush down the red paint splatter on the white canvas. Lydia tore off paint pulling Allison out of her daze.

"Start over."


Stiles tries to unlock his locker without success. He stops as he looks to the lock, it was symbols instead of numbers. Turning the knob in every direction as he tries to make the numbers reappear.

Turning to Scott hoping for help when he saw the glowing eyes of red. "Their starting to glow." Stiles answered as.s Scott's heartbeat begins to pick up.

He felt it then his fingers itching, his eyes warmth, his teeth aching as he felt himself starting to shift.

Turning tail he runs to the nearest empty classroom as he shrugs off his jacket and bag. He tries to fight it but he was slowly losing the battle.

"Scott it's me come on." But Scott yells for him to leave saying he couldn't control it.

Stiles refused to leave it left him with his last resort. His claws fully out as he felt the facial hair slowly grow out he dug his claws in his palms.

Blood seeping out as he growls in pain slowly falling to the floor. Until finally he shifted back to normal.

"Pain... makes you human." He breathes as Stiles kneeled in front of him.

He spoke about how whatever is affecting them is more than just in their heads. It was more physical then they thought.

Looking at the board and to the posters, "I can't read a thing."


Starting anew wasn't a bad thing. It just shows how strong you are.

The Void 🎭 S. Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now